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Letter to NCsoft.

Тема в разделе "Проповедник", создана пользователем Nezzucho, 31 окт 2010.

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  1. Nezzucho

    Nezzucho User

    brothers, sisters,

    as i mentioned in a previous post (https://forum.4game.ru/showthread.php?t=170040&page=4), i have finally found the time to write a letter that i will send directly to the ncsoft korean developing team, in order to show them our frustation regarding the situation of our beloved class, which never stopped to worsen over the updates.

    here is a rough version of the letter that i am planning to send: i still need to work on the form, but the main ideas are here, so please be indulgent :p. because i am going to speak for the whole prophet community, i invite you to make part of your suggestions, or points that you would like to see "addressed".

    note however that the goal of this letter is firstly to show them how the situation of the prophet has worsened :cool:. if by any chance we get a positive answer (even if i have big doubts :p), i will write an other letter to gather the mains improvements that the prophet community would like to see comming in next updates.
    please try to write in a correct russian, without using abbreviations or slang, or i will not able to understand you correctly :p.

    i still need to inform the prophet playing on na/euro server before to send the letter, but it might be difficult since i don't have access to lineage2.com forum boards anymore :/ ...

    ps:i am sorry to use english on russian forum, but this is unfortunatly the last place i know where i can have serious discussion with other prophet. (french fan site being dead, and l2blah being only filled with trash...)

    dear chief developer han jae-hyeok,

    my name is xxx xxx (actually playing under the nick name of nezzucho); i come from france and i have been playing lineage ii since chronicle 4: scions of destiny. after spending 3 years on franz official euro server (which i left because of the inactivity of gm about “bots” problem), i am currently playing on lancer official russian server. whatever the server i was playing on, my main character has always been a prophet, who has now reached his 81 level on the lancer server.

    the reason why i am writing you today is a subject really dear to my heart that i wanted to share with you from a long time already: the worrying situation of the prophet in the game lineage ii. being far from alone to be affected by this problem, i will speak in the name of the whole “west” prophet community (gathering the north america, european and russians servers) in order to express our great frustration and worrying, always growing bigger over the lineage ii updates, about the future of our class.

    since the officials ways to contact you have all been exhausted, and never resulted in any improvement or back off from your part, even wondering if you were aware of our existence, i sincerely hope that by writing to you, we will able to catch your attention on our desperate situation, and by this way, maybe find a solution meeting some of our expectations.

    the issue regarding the prophet class is very well known here, persisting now from quite a long time already, which is raising strong incomprehension, not only among the prophets players, but from the whole occidental lineage ii player community.
    we never have understood your logic regarding the balance of buffer classes; always having this stubbornness for persisting to improve the orcs buffers classes at the expense of the prophet, worsening it’s situation over the updates, and finally resulting nowadays in a class “who wonders if it still has this place in this game” having any usefulness anymore (expect being used on a second account…).

    indeed, updates after updates, the buffer orcs classes spoiled any advantage that the prophet had over them: going from the “blessed soul/blessed body” combo buff (overlord having any of the single buff version previously), to skills that made the prophet famous (like berserker spirit and elemental protection), even gleaning an improved version of our passive skill steal mana on their way… letting to the prophet only it eyes to cry…
    did you realize that by doing so, you just annihilated the real strength of the prophet?
    the fact that it had a very wide panoply of buff, to compensate it slow buffing speed, while the warcryer an hybrid buffer had the ability to do a faster job but not as accurate as the prophet.
    concretely, you just removed the only flaw of the warcryer that was maintaining the balance, making it more effective, in any ways, than a single target buffer…

    we finally saw our class relegated from the role of a much appreciated support in small group, to the role of a warcryer’s substitute, since this latter is able to do the same job as a prophet, but:
    _faster: wacryer being able to buff up to 9 people at the same time, in a few seconds.
    _better: warcryer having now the entire prophet buff panoply, and additionally vampiric rage, evasion, chant of spirit, and the best prophecy among all those already existing.
    _proper: warcryer having 2 more combo buff, and being able by this way to save precious buffs slots. while the prophet is the only buffer remaining with 2 combo buff only (warcryer and overlord having both 4) whereas he is the one who need it the most since he can only buff one target at once. it doesn’t even have the “focus+ death whisper” combo buff, whereas he has the both buffs in their single version already.

    finally: what did you leave to the prophet for himself at this point?
    _ element resists buffs? : they became useless after the great update allowing 3 elements per piece of armour (which easily allows reaching 300 attribute defence in element)
    _mental shield? : recharger class (shilien elder; even elder) being a key class in any normal group have this skill… in worst case, you can get this skill with the special ability of a b-grade staff.
    _mystick immunity? : a 30sec buff that has a usefulness restrained to a very few rare cases. no enchant in +time available whereas it’s a buff…
    _spell turning? : nobody here understood the purpose of this skill apart wasting 80 millions of sp. the 150 range is a joke, the reuse time of 20 seconds is too long to counter any magic skill, and we don’t mention that the skill has a chance to fail… even hitting with a weapon is more effective to disrupt a spell. (honestly, how can you not even see that? :/)

    counter critical appears to eventually be the only prophet’s real asset remaining over the orcs buffers classes (until you give it to one of them). that few especially since this latter buff requires the 83 level.

    how can you not be aware of theses problems which seems obvious to the whole occidental lineage ii community?
    some even wonder if your final goal is not to simply remove our class from the game…

    you just have to take a look from the different forums of the lineage ii community existing to see the size that this problem has taken:
    the lineage2.com suggestion message board is drowned under suggestions dealing about prophet, suggestions which are always coming back from a recurrent manner.
    the same indignation is animating the debates on the lineage ii russian community forum (4game.ru forum; goha.ru forum): facing the lack of reactivity from your part, a letter gathering the main suggestions wanted by the prophet community was written, with the intention to send it directly to you. unfortunately the project has been aborted.

    the situation is so serious here, that nowadays most of prophets have just given up their class, having enough to feel like the fifth wheel: the love they had for their class being not enough strong anymore to face up the constants decisions full of non-sense that you are taking.
    we have now reached a point where the prophet class has became an extinct specie, mostly used to serve in a second window (dual box), and where you don’t need more than your fingers to count the only few who are remaining active, attesting the existence of a profound malaise and not being only the fantasies from few players.

    we know that you are first and foremost working for the korean market, but even if we are playing on different server, we are still your customers: the few prophets that we are, are playing their class with at least the same passion as korean prophets (i would tempted to say with even more passion, since our korean colleagues don’t seem to complain much about those new changes totally ruining their class. or maybe the prophet class is as dead as here?), and i think we have eventually our word to said.

    now that you are at least aware of the seriousness of the prophet’s situation, would you take the time to listen our opinion? we would be pleased to share you our main suggestions in order to improve the prophet class, and make it more enjoyable to play.
    or should we definitely burry the prophet who already has one foot in the grave?

    our fate rest between your hands…

    any critic is welcome ! :cool:
    Последнее редактирование модератором: 31 окт 2010
  2. hgdsstdfdfd

    hgdsstdfdfd User

    полностью поддерживаю. раз уж с каждым обновлением, игра становится все более и более ориентирована на фулки, я бы еще добавил, что отсутствие вампирика делает нас непригодными в мили-паках, а отсутствие емповера - в маг-паках (если уж нехотят нам давать отдельный баф, соответствующий эффект можно было бы добавить хотя бы в поф...), неговоря уже о пвп-ориентированных паках, куда нас не берут, в основном, из-за длительного времени бафа (тут ситуацию могли бы изменить еще хотябы парочка комбо)

    i fully support. now that with each update, the game becomes more and more focused on the full-groups, i would also add that the lack of vampiric makes us unfit to mili-packs, and the lack of empover - in a mag-packs (if they reluctantly give us a separate buff, an effect would be to add at least pof ...), not speak already pvp-oriented packs, where we do not take, mainly due to a long-time buff (there the situation could change yet at least a couple of combo)
  3. deGamma

    deGamma User

    я думаю что как поднять пп должны думать корейцы (а то одному дай вамп, второму инквиз, третьему уд, четвёртому безоткатный тсс, пятому - бафать сразу пати/клан/сервер... - лучше пусть выдумают что-то третье). но сначала нужно чтобы корейцы увидели что они наделали. знал бы английский - тоже отправил бы листик.
  4. AppleTree

    AppleTree User

    автор лучше не устраивай очередную демагогию на форуме, а отправляю свое письмо сразу, как говорится действуй, а не болтай :). обсуждать можно сколь угодно долго, а результата все равно не будет.
  5. сгинь сдохни

    сгинь сдохни User

    поддерживаю. нашими им как есть, если откликнутся, если их заинтересует эта информация, то мы уж как нибудь я думаю доступно для них по изложим что больше всего хотелось бы изменить в ситуации.
  6. KamioKun

    KamioKun User

    глупо вообще все это писать, им на всех начхать. у них свое видение игры и никакое нытье игроков их не переубедит. к нытью корейских пользователей он бы может быть еще и прислушались(хотя все равно у них первоочередные изменения только для получения бабла, а не для улучшения игры), а наше/буржуйское не рассмотрится даже их уборщиками, не то что отделом разработки.
    пп гнет олимп(варку такое и не приснится), что еще надо? глады, вл и прочие тоже бесполезные никчемные и ограниченные чары в мпвп, но они же находят свои применения в игре.
    креатифф глуп/аффтар морж
  7. Nezzucho

    Nezzucho User

    you're absolutely right about the fact that the prophet should be the buffer with the most combo buff, given the fact that it can only buff one target at once. i pointed out this problem in my letter: however i don't think the prophet really need vampiric rage. in any mili group you always have a bishop, so the lack of vampiric rage is more a question of "comfort". i think pof need some change too (like the +20% regeneration which is of any use...)
    but at the moment, i've just pointed out the main inconsistencies about the prophet class : if they are at least ready to listen us, i will gather the suggestions the most wanted in a new letter.

    hehe, you're right :p !
    but like i am writing for the whole prophet players, i wanted to hear some opinions already. anyways i am not going to wait too long, and i will send the letter in the begining of the next week.
  8. Nezzucho

    Nezzucho User

    as i said in my letter, i am aware that the developing team is foremost working for the korean market, but it doesn't change the fact that there is actually a big unbalance between buffer classes that koreans don't even seem to be aware of... you are probably right on the fact that it's just a waste of time, but if we don't even try, we don't might see things changed for sure !

    about olympiad, prophet is foremost a support classe: it's normal he has at least some facilities in fights where you mainly play selfbuffed, don't you think ?! anyways i don't know any player who choosed to play prophet to rock in pvp/oly... no it's the same desire to help which animate us: we find more rewarding to help people than kill them :laugh3:! unfortunatly we can't even fulfill this role anymore: most of the time people just take us in party when they don't find warcryer or because they feel pity for us...
    Последнее редактирование модератором: 31 окт 2010
  9. БелкаНагибатор

    БелкаНагибатор User

    все здесь присутствующие пользуют http://translate.google.com....
    а по теме все складно и автор молодец как и ниже отписавшиеся добавить нечего (за банте меня за флуд снова)
  10. DiKStalker

    DiKStalker User

    все хорошо написано для "первого" письма, если откликнуться - хотя бы будет канал воздействия на разработчиков. я не думаю, что в корее дела идут лучше чем здесь, быть может профеты там не такие гордые как здесь или на еврооффе - но я очень сомневаюсь, что они там в +30 заточены и поэтому всем довольны. так же я очень сомневаюсь, что пп бегает там с дуалами и в хеви (больший бред придумать очень сложно). по-поводу олимпа: такая возможность фарма отнюдь не исключительная, и появилась она с возможностью вставить нюк в пушку. ее после 83 на оли справляется куда лучше пп, тут тебе и отхил и бое и антистан, что еще для счастья надо?

    не думали, а получилось) но вмазать денег в это дело нужно несусветное количество
  11. 3BEPB

    3BEPB User

    ставлю + за письмо :)
  12. 14ДИВ

    14ДИВ User

    nezzucho, fine fellow that he had sent a letter, we hope that koreans will respond.
    + put his letter.
  13. Drigger

    Drigger User

    один вопрос вы хотите что бы дали баф как и у вк сразу на вес пак?) тогда сразу вк выбрасывается в мусорку полностью...

    рес,блок вв,мана берн,блок шита,хекс из ваших скилов + мас баф = полностью вк будет выброшен в мусорку, жирно не будет ?
    про комбы и остальные бафы вамп и комбо это реально можно дать иза таво что нам дают ваши бафы.

    п.с. писмо не чего не решит ну можно отправит, но не чего не даст у корейцев сваи планы на обновление каждого класа...
    Последнее редактирование модератором: 9 ноя 2010
  14. DiKStalker

    DiKStalker User

    /fxd 4 gr8 justice
  15. AppleTree

    AppleTree User

    ну как там письмо поживает? уже отправлено?
  16. Wayss

    Wayss User

    слишком просто, имхо
  17. МояЛюбовь

    МояЛюбовь User

    еслиб был вампирик - то ппшка стал бы на порядок полезней... для мили вобще идеальным
  18. МояЛюбовь

    МояЛюбовь User

    давайте вобще требовать комбо не из 2х как у всех, а из 4х бафов :)
  19. DiKStalker

    DiKStalker User

    че мелочиться - ваще весь баф в 1 комбо :d
  20. Drigger

    Drigger User

    вот так лучше будет...
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