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У игроков из Европы и стран СНГ, играющих на российских серверах, бывают трудности с оплатой.
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Вылетает клиент

Тема в разделе "Архив", создана пользователем ManekiNeko, 26 апр 2013.

  1. Chausie

    Chausie User

    здравствуйте. сегодня обнаружилась проблема. внезапно начал вылетать клиент - садишься на пета (оп закрылся), бежишь (оп закрылся). рандомно раз примерно в 10 минут.
    и при попытке снайпера поменять сервер с общего на новичок и обратно - вылетает сендлог. заходишь снова - предлагает выбрать сервер (гарда, тер и т.д.)
    починка игры не спасла. не могу понять, в чем дело. помогите, пожалуйста!=с
    п.с. невозможно даже в дер попасть, сендлоги либо просто клиент резко закрывается.
    Последнее редактирование модератором: 26 апр 2013
  2. Dragonchick

    Dragonchick User

    в окне сендлога нажмите кнопочку details и выложите полный текст ошибки в эту тему под спойлер.
    параллельно можете попробовать проверить клиент утилитой.
  3. Chausie

    Chausie User

    я все три сохранила, когда вылетали.
    user name : mq==
    version of editor.exe(32bit_client) :
    version of crysystem.dll(32bit_client) : 4213.206.410.6943
    engine : mrt_client
    gamestate : 23
    loadslot state:0, num:50
    entity count(char/user) : 55/12
    ncode : -39600
    [(6260 :multithread) 2013/04/26 13:41:56]: =======================
    an access violation in module ws2_32.dll at 0023:76244cb0.
    exception handler called in the aion server.
    start at 2013/4/26 13:38:39
    error occurred at 4/26/2013 13:41:58.
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\aion.bin.exe
    4 processor(s), type 586.
    4079 mbytes physical memory.
    62 percent of memory is in use.
    memory history :
    virtual addr history :
    available mem to commit :
    free memory [pm: 1583164, vm: 2535172, ap: 4124968] kbytes
    clientlaunchedcount : 1
    read from location 00000020 caused an access violation.

    total allocated memory: 317791 kb, (crt+pages) 600047 kb
    crt allocated memory: 89839 kb
    cache allocated memory: 227951 kb
    pages allocated memory: 510208 kb (free:270080 kb / wasted:12176 kb)
    free mem dist: 0(1k) 12(10k) 415(100k) 32(1m) 38(10m) 10(100m) 0(200m) 1(300m) 0(500m) 0(1g) tick:32
    [os] windows 7 домашняя базовая 64-bit (6.1, build 7601) service pack 1 (7601.win7sp1_gdr.130318-1533)
    [directx] directx 11
    [processor] intel(r) core(tm) i5-2300 cpu @ 2.80ghz (4 cpus), ~2.8ghz
    [display0vender] nvidia geforce gtx 550 ti
    [display0memory] 977
    [display0driver_info] nvd3dum.dll
    [display0shader] vs:(3.0) ps:(3.0)
    [soundacceleration] f
    [sound0desc] динамики (via high definition audio)
    [sound0hardwareid] hdaudio\func_01&ven_1106&dev_4397&subsys_18490397&rev_1000
    [e1]<pak_cache> 5
    [e2]<brush> 338 <vege> 232 <stat> 196 <char> 146 <anim> 69 / 89
    [e3]<entcontext> 46 / 808 <sound> 31 (17)
    [e4]<envcolor> 0 <lm> 0
    [e5]<prtres> 176 <prteff> 0 <fxceff> 0 <decal> 19 <etc> 4315
    rl:1, [of:70000000, of2:0, pf:38, pf2:0], [rnv:84484096, rni:0], [ev:318]
    p 552 2463 274
    sn : aionmrt_bg_base tech:14
    srtn : objects/pc/dm/texture/dm001_head_d01.dds
    dynvb : 624, 4096 - 0, 0
    thread[0] akpg@@#@&(z???? ???? ????
    -1 220010000 220010000 0 545 2436 277

    eax=00000000 cs=0023 eip=76244cb0 eflgs=00010202
    ebx=0268acc8 ss=002b esp=08e3f9ac ebp=08e3f9bc
    ecx=08e3fa7c ds=002b esi=0268af80 fs=0053
    edx=00000002 es=002b edi=0268aae8 gs=002b
    bytes at cs:eip:
    ff 50 20 5d c2 14 00 90 90 90 90 90 6a 0c 68 38
    stack dump:
    08e3f9ac: 00000000 00000000 08e3fa7c 0268aae8 08e3f9d8 76244c93 00000000 00000000
    08e3f9cc: 00000000 08e3fa7c 0268aae8 08e3fa08 76244dbb 0268acc8 00000000 08e3fa7c
    08e3f9ec: 0268aae8 08e3fad4 0268af80 fffffffe 00000000 0000013c ffffffff 08e3fa4c
    08e3fa0c: 76244d26 0268af98 00000000 08e3fa7c 0268aae8 ffcee7a7 08e3fad4 00000000
    08e3fa2c: fffffffe 0268af80 08e3fa20 08e3f3d4 08e3fa8c 76263912 810950d3 fffffffe
    08e3fa4c: 08e3fa9c 7624a2cd 0268af80 00000000 08e3fa7c 0268aae8 ffcee777 0000003c
    08e3fa6c: 08e3fafc 08e3faf8 0000003c 08e3fafc 0000013c 0268aae8 08e3fa64 08e3f3d4
    08e3fa8c: 08e3ff60 76263912 8109beab fffffffe 08e3fac8 7624a22b 0268af80 00000000
    08e3faac: 08e3fad4 08e3fafc 762674dc 0000013c 00000000 00000000 0000013c 08e3fd04
    08e3facc: 7625775a 0268af80 0000013c ecc8a294 762674dc 00000000 08e3fecc 08e3fedc
    08e3faec: 00000000 0268af18 ecc8a294 08e3fafc 0000003c ecc8a294 762674dc 00000000
    08e3fb0c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000002 762674b4 00000000 00000000
    08e3fb2c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 08e3fdf0 00000000 0044005c 00560045 00430049
    08e3fb4c: 005c0045 0045004e 00420054 005f0054 00430054 00490050 005f0050 0038007b
    08e3fb6c: 00360034 00450045 00340033 002d0032 00300037 00390033 0031002d 00440031
    08e3fb8c: 002d0045 00440039 00300032 0038002d 00360030 00360045 00360046 00360045
    08e3fbac: 00360039 007d0033 54530000 435c4d45 65727275 00000000 00000000 770aff66
    08e3fbcc: 76a80d93 08e3fc18 001f0003 08e3fc08 76a80dad 00000000 00000038 65746e49
    08e3fbec: 63616672 7b5c7365 770be38c 7f46cee8 770be046 05cb01ac 05cb0000 05cb0000
    08e3fc0c: 00000000 00a70013 000021b6 000021b6 08e3fc64 770be38c 7f46ce3c 00de0014
    08e3fc2c: 000021b6 000021b6 76a7c455 05b50358 05b50358 00000020 00000020 00000000
    08e3fc4c: 05b79318 05b50048 05b50168 05b706d0 05b50510 05b50510 08e3fbf8 08e3fbfc
    08e3fc6c: 08e3fd88 771071d5 00aee0cc fffffffe 770be38c 770be0f2 770be046 00000020
    08e3fc8c: 00000000 00000000 7f46cf8c 08e3fdf0 008601a4 00860000 00860000 80000000
    08e3fcac: 00000000 08e3fe1d 00000000 00000001 026607d0 08e3fd00 76243be3 76243beb
    08e3fccc: ffcee0eb 08e3fecc 08e3fedc 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 08e3fccc
    08e3fcec: 05b706f8 08e3ff60 76263912 810921e3 fffffffe ffcee0ef 08e3feb4 31cdd3a0
    08e3fd0c: ecc8a294 ecc8a294 00000000 02020202 536e6957 206b636f 00302e32 ecc8a240
    08e3fd2c: 08e3fd44 663d28bc 05b70310 0000001e 05b706d0 00000010 08e3fd5c 663d2978
    08e3fd4c: 05b70310 0000000f 05b706d0 00000000 05cb0000 05b706d0 05b70310 0000000f
    08e3fd6c: 00e30014 00000000 05b706d0 08e3fdb8 08e3fd90 00000000 00001fda 047d0de8
    08e3fd8c: 4f252b63 00000000 05b706d0 08e3fdb8 08e3fdb0 00000000 00001fda 000021b8
    08e3fdac: 4f252b63 000021b7 000021b7 00000001 6645c77a 05cb0000 00000000 6645c79a
    08e3fdcc: f94e3524 00000000 ecc8a240 00000000 08e3fe10 08e3fdcc 663e5e4d 08e3fea8
    08e3fdec: 66463a10 08e3fe70 08e3fe0c 663d1e2b 08e3fe70 08e3fe0b 08e3fe6c 0000fe20
    08e3fe0c: 08e3fe20 663d1c10 00000000 08e3fe6c 6e7552d0 676e696e 663d1400 00000001
    08e3fe2c: 00000000 08e3fe6c 08e3feb4 663dfe74 f94e3668 08e3fe50 08e3fe50 6dcb0000
    08e3fe4c: 00000000 0a82c864 05b70000 09ba43e2 0a82c868 fff0bdc0 00000000 00000007
    08e3fe6c: f8e7f780 504d4300 4c4c442e 09ba3500 f8e70000 00000000 0000000f 00000000
    08e3fe8c: 4cef33d0 2ed22000 00000002 08e3feb8 0000d025 08e30000 6dcb0000 08e3ff60
    08e3feac: 66478fd9 ffffffff 08e3ff38 31cdd115 ecc8a294 4cef33d0 71e5286e 4cef33d0
    08e3fecc: 09331530 00000000 00000000 00000000 3260a7cc 6dcb0000 00000000 4cef33d0
    08e3feec: 08e3ff38 71e54c01 08b40000 00300030 0032002d 002d0035 00320032 0042002d
    08e3ff0c: 002d0033 00440041 0032002d 00000041 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
    08e3ff2c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 08e3ff70 71e52848 00000000 f7bcb1e3 4cef33d0
    08e3ff4c: 71e5286e 4cef33d0 c0000005 08e3ff44 08e3f3ec 08e3ffb0 71e58ced 8eb2050b
    08e3ff6c: 00000000 08e3ff80 71e528c8 75af33aa 4cef33d0 08e3ffc0 770c9ef2 4cef33d0
    08e3ff8c: 7f46cd54 4cef33d0 71e5286e 4cef33d0 c0000005 75b17717 75b17717 08e3ff8c
    08e3ffac: 08e3f3f8 ffffffff 771071d5 00aef7a4 00000000 08e3ffd8 770c9ec5 71e5286e
    08e3ffcc: 4cef33d0 74a22e09 74a22e09 00000000 6cf82141 71e5286e 4cef33d0 00000000
    08e3ffec: 00000000 00000000 71e5286e 4cef33d0 00000000

    intel call stack information
    76244cb0 08e3f9bc 0001:00003cb0 c:\windows\syswow64\ws2_32.dll
    bytes at cs:eip: ff 50 20 5d c2 14 00 90 90 90 90 90 6a 0c 68 38

    76244c93 08e3f9d8 0001:00003c93 c:\windows\syswow64\ws2_32.dll
    bytes at cs:eip: 5d c2 10 00 90 90 90 90 90 8b ff 55 8b ec ff 75

    76244dbb 08e3fa08 0001:00003dbb c:\windows\syswow64\ws2_32.dll
    bytes at cs:eip: 89 45 fc 85 c0 0f 84 a5 00 00 00 ff 15 18 11 24

    76244d26 08e3fa4c 0001:00003d26 c:\windows\syswow64\ws2_32.dll
    bytes at cs:eip: 8b f8 56 e8 ea fe ff ff 8b c7 e8 8b c6 ff ff c2

    7624a2cd 08e3fa9c 0001:000092cd c:\windows\syswow64\ws2_32.dll
    bytes at cs:eip: 8b f0 33 c0 40 89 45 fc 83 7d e4 00 0f 84 7e 80

    7624a22b 08e3fac8 0001:0000922b c:\windows\syswow64\ws2_32.dll
    bytes at cs:eip: 8b f8 85 ff 0f 85 c4 73 00 00 8b 4e 38 89 4d f8

    7625775a 08e3fd04 0001:0001675a c:\windows\syswow64\ws2_32.dll
    bytes at cs:eip: 3b c3 75 22 8b 85 f0 fd ff ff 3b c3 74 04 38 18

    31cdd3a0 08e3feb4 0001:001cc3a0 c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\game.dll
    bytes at cs:eip: 90 85 c0 89 46 18 75 06 90 e8 ff 63 56 44 8b 56

    31cdd115 08e3ff38 0001:001cc115 c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\game.dll
    bytes at cs:eip: 8b d7 52 b8 f0 59 bd 32 e8 9e 54 ff ff 8b 44 24

    71e52848 08e3ff70 0001:00001848 c:\windows\winsxs\x86_microsoft.vc80.crt_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.6195_none_d09154e044272b9a\msvcr80.dll
    bytes at cs:eip: 59 e9 af ff ff ff 8b 45 ec 8b 08 8b 09 89 4d e4

    71e528c8 08e3ff80 0001:000018c8 c:\windows\winsxs\x86_microsoft.vc80.crt_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.6195_none_d09154e044272b9a\msvcr80.dll
    bytes at cs:eip: cc 55 8b ec 51 53 57 8b 7d 08 33 db 3b fb 89 5d

    770c9ef2 08e3ffc0 0001:00029ef2 c:\windows\syswow64\ntdll.dll
    bytes at cs:eip: c7 45 fc fe ff ff ff e8 0b 40 ff ff c2 08 00 90

    770c9ec5 08e3ffd8 0001:00029ec5 c:\windows\syswow64\ntdll.dll
    bytes at cs:eip: cc 90 90 90 90 90 6a 14 68 30 c5 0b 77 e8 ed 3f

    module list: names, addresses, sizes, time stamps and file times:
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\aion.bin.exe, loaded at 0x00400000 - 2948760 bytes - 51652928 - file date is 4/24/2013 08:08:38
    c:\windows\system32\networkdlllsp.dll, loaded at 0x03150000 - 315320 bytes - 2a425e19 - file date is 6/10/2012 18:21:30
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\dbghelp.dll, loaded at 0x04640000 - 986112 bytes - 41e5794f - file date is 5/30/2011 20:50:30
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\crysystem.dll, loaded at 0x09b50000 - 5877960 bytes - 5165254e - file date is 4/23/2013 20:59:30
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\aegisty.bin, loaded at 0x10000000 - 1550184 bytes - 5008bef7 - file date is 12/18/2012 18:57:48
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\cryphysics.dll, loaded at 0x2c4c0000 - 1581056 bytes - 5165244e - file date is 4/23/2013 20:59:16
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\crymovie.dll, loaded at 0x2c820000 - 712704 bytes - 51652417 - file date is 4/23/2013 20:59:16
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\xrenderd3d9.dll, loaded at 0x2c8d0000 - 3166208 bytes - 51652597 - file date is 4/23/2013 20:59:52
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\ijl15.dll, loaded at 0x2d490000 - 372736 bytes - 482ac4cd - file date is 5/30/2011 20:51:20
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\compressati.dll, loaded at 0x2d600000 - 61440 bytes - 4124d1fb - file date is 5/30/2011 20:49:32
    c:\program files (x86)\nvidia corporation\3d vision\nvstereoapii.dll, loaded at 0x2d7c0000 - 354528 bytes - 50f95370 - file date is 1/18/2013 08:16:52
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\cryinput.dll, loaded at 0x2d830000 - 22528 bytes - 51652401 - file date is 4/23/2013 20:59:16
    c:\program files (x86)\nvidia corporation\3d vision\nvscpapi.dll, loaded at 0x2ea40000 - 1028648 bytes - 50f95366 - file date is 1/18/2013 08:16:52
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\crysoundsystem.dll, loaded at 0x2eb70000 - 282624 bytes - 5165245e - file date is 4/23/2013 20:59:18
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\fmodex.dll, loaded at 0x2fec0000 - 1101824 bytes - 4f5d9f02 - file date is 10/9/2012 23:14:50
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\cryfont.dll, loaded at 0x303d0000 - 487424 bytes - 516523ff - file date is 4/23/2013 20:59:16
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\cryentitysystem.dll, loaded at 0x30460000 - 503808 bytes - 516523f1 - file date is 4/23/2013 20:59:16
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\beecrypt.dll, loaded at 0x30620000 - 188416 bytes - 414fb876 - file date is 5/30/2011 20:49:26
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\cryanimation.dll, loaded at 0x30870000 - 1490944 bytes - 51652494 - file date is 4/23/2013 20:59:16
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\cry3dengine.dll, loaded at 0x309f0000 - 1892352 bytes - 516523e1 - file date is 4/23/2013 20:59:16
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\binkw32.dll, loaded at 0x31680000 - 171008 bytes - 4896a17b - file date is 5/30/2011 20:49:32
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\game.dll, loaded at 0x31b10000 - 24658120 bytes - 5165371f - file date is 4/23/2013 20:59:46
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\libeay32.dll, loaded at 0x332a0000 - 1269760 bytes - 48043a13 - file date is 5/30/2011 20:52:02
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\awesomium.dll, loaded at 0x33540000 - 21435904 bytes - 4ecdb6e9 - file date is 3/13/2012 21:23:10
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\icudt42.dll, loaded at 0x39620000 - 10941440 bytes - 4b186276 - file date is 3/13/2012 21:23:10
    c:\windows\system32\d3dx9_31.dll, loaded at 0x3c980000 - 2414360 bytes - 451c48f1 - file date is 9/28/2006 16:05:20
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\scriptdll.dll, loaded at 0x40830000 - 17141760 bytes - 513935ef - file date is 4/23/2013 20:59:50
    c:\windows\system32\d3dx9_38.dll, loaded at 0x65c30000 - 3850760 bytes - 4833557d - file date is 5/30/2008 14:11:46
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\frost\gameshielddll.dll, loaded at 0x663d0000 - 1711424 bytes - 510b836e - file date is 2/12/2013 19:59:04
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\frost\frostupdater.dll, loaded at 0x66770000 - 1224512 bytes - 50f57aac - file date is 1/16/2013 22:17:00
    c:\windows\system32\nvapi.dll, loaded at 0x67360000 - 2505144 bytes - 50f947df - file date is 2/26/2013 00:32:44
    c:\windows\system32\wbem\fastprox.dll, loaded at 0x6c780000 - 606208 bytes - 4ce7b809 - file date is 11/21/2010 14:24:26
    c:\windows\syswow64\d3d10.dll, loaded at 0x6cc30000 - 1080832 bytes - 50f30f11 - file date is 1/14/2013 06:46:26
    c:\windows\system32\dinput8.dll, loaded at 0x6cde0000 - 145408 bytes - 4a5bd9c1 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:15:12
    c:\windows\system32\wdmaud.drv, loaded at 0x6ce10000 - 172032 bytes - 4ce7ba26 - file date is 11/21/2010 14:24:02
    c:\windows\system32\dsound.dll, loaded at 0x6ceb0000 - 453632 bytes - 4a5bd9fd - file date is 7/14/2009 12:15:14
    c:\windows\syswow64\d3d10_1core.dll, loaded at 0x6cf30000 - 249856 bytes - 50f3145c - file date is 1/14/2013 07:09:02
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\frost\frostcollector.dll, loaded at 0x6cf80000 - 1089344 bytes - 50ff9fae - file date is 2/12/2013 19:58:44
    c:\windows\syswow64\d3d10_1.dll, loaded at 0x6da90000 - 161792 bytes - 50f30f9f - file date is 1/14/2013 06:48:48
    c:\windows\syswow64\dxdiagn.dll, loaded at 0x6dac0000 - 210432 bytes - 4ce7b818 - file date is 11/21/2010 14:24:24
    c:\windows\system32\icmp.dll, loaded at 0x6dcb0000 - 3072 bytes - 4a5bd9fb - file date is 7/14/2009 12:05:48
    c:\windows\system32\ntdsapi.dll, loaded at 0x6dcc0000 - 90112 bytes - 4a5bdade - file date is 7/14/2009 12:16:12
    c:\windows\system32\wbemcomn.dll, loaded at 0x6dd10000 - 363008 bytes - 4ce7ba25 - file date is 11/21/2010 14:24:10
    c:\windows\system32\wbem\wbemprox.dll, loaded at 0x6ddb0000 - 29184 bytes - 4a5bdb2f - file date is 7/14/2009 12:16:18
    c:\windows\system32\ksuser.dll, loaded at 0x6de20000 - 4608 bytes - 4a5bdab3 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:15:36
    c:\windows\system32\nvd3dum.dll, loaded at 0x6df30000 - 15129960 bytes - 50f946b6 - file date is 2/26/2013 00:32:42
    c:\windows\system32\rtutils.dll, loaded at 0x6ee70000 - 37376 bytes - 4ce7b9ac - file date is 11/21/2010 14:24:02
    c:\windows\syswow64\bcryptprimitives.dll, loaded at 0x6eea0000 - 249680 bytes - 4a5bd987 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:17:56
    c:\windows\system32\bcrypt.dll, loaded at 0x6ef40000 - 80896 bytes - 4a5bdb38 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:11:22
    c:\windows\system32\audioses.dll, loaded at 0x6ef60000 - 195584 bytes - 4ce7b725 - file date is 11/21/2010 14:23:56
    c:\windows\system32\midimap.dll, loaded at 0x6efa0000 - 16896 bytes - 4a5bda84 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:15:42
    c:\windows\system32\msacm32.drv, loaded at 0x6efb0000 - 20992 bytes - 4a5bda4f - file date is 7/14/2009 12:14:10
    c:\windows\syswow64\d3d10core.dll, loaded at 0x6efc0000 - 220160 bytes - 50f3144b - file date is 1/14/2013 07:08:44
    c:\windows\system32\winbrand.dll, loaded at 0x6f460000 - 12800 bytes - 4a5bdb39 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:16:20
    c:\windows\system32\wbem\wbemsvc.dll, loaded at 0x6f480000 - 47616 bytes - 4a5bdb30 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:16:18
    c:\windows\system32\dhcpcsvc6.dll, loaded at 0x6f830000 - 44032 bytes - 50745f7c - file date is 10/10/2012 04:40:32
    c:\windows\system32\mmdevapi.dll, loaded at 0x6ff50000 - 213504 bytes - 4ce7b892 - file date is 11/21/2010 14:23:52
    c:\windows\syswow64\dxgi.dll, loaded at 0x70000000 - 293376 bytes - 50f3170f - file date is 1/14/2013 07:20:32
    c:\windows\syswow64\d3d11.dll, loaded at 0x70050000 - 1504768 bytes - 50f31443 - file date is 1/14/2013 07:08:36
    c:\windows\winsxs\x86_microsoft.windows.gdiplus_6595b64144ccf1df_1.1.7601.17825_none_72d273598668a06b\gdiplus.dll, loaded at 0x70430000 - 1625088 bytes - 4f9235ab - file date is 4/21/2012 15:21:02
    c:\windows\system32\propsys.dll, loaded at 0x706d0000 - 988160 bytes - 4ce7b983 - file date is 11/21/2010 14:24:10
    c:\windows\syswow64\powrprof.dll, loaded at 0x70870000 - 145408 bytes - 4a5bdb0c - file date is 7/14/2009 12:16:14
    c:\windows\system32\napinsp.dll, loaded at 0x708a0000 - 52224 bytes - 4a5bda6d - file date is 7/14/2009 12:16:04
    c:\windows\system32\nlaapi.dll, loaded at 0x708b0000 - 52224 bytes - 4f0fd6da - file date is 1/13/2012 18:12:04
    c:\windows\system32\avrt.dll, loaded at 0x708c0000 - 14336 bytes - 4a5bd998 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:15:00
    c:\windows\system32\sfc_os.dll, loaded at 0x70b20000 - 40960 bytes - 4a5bdb02 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:16:16
    c:\windows\system32\sfc.dll, loaded at 0x70b30000 - 2560 bytes - 4a5bdb01 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:10:24
    c:\windows\system32\msacm32.dll, loaded at 0x70b40000 - 72192 bytes - 4a5bda4e - file date is 7/14/2009 12:15:44
    c:\windows\system32\winrnr.dll, loaded at 0x70bd0000 - 20992 bytes - 4a5bdb44 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:16:20
    c:\windows\system32\pnrpnsp.dll, loaded at 0x70be0000 - 65024 bytes - 4a5bdaf6 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:16:14
    c:\windows\system32\d3d8thk.dll, loaded at 0x70c00000 - 11264 bytes - 4a5bd9a8 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:15:10
    c:\windows\system32\glu32.dll, loaded at 0x70c20000 - 130048 bytes - 4a5bd9df - file date is 7/14/2009 12:15:24
    c:\windows\system32\dwmapi.dll, loaded at 0x70c50000 - 67072 bytes - 4a5bda07 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:15:14
    c:\windows\system32\dciman32.dll, loaded at 0x70c70000 - 10240 bytes - 4a5bd9b4 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:15:10
    c:\windows\system32\ddraw.dll, loaded at 0x70cf0000 - 531968 bytes - 4a5bd9b8 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:15:12
    c:\windows\system32\opengl32.dll, loaded at 0x70de0000 - 791552 bytes - 4a5bdadb - file date is 7/14/2009 12:16:14
    c:\windows\system32\uxtheme.dll, loaded at 0x70eb0000 - 245760 bytes - 4a5bdb3c - file date is 7/14/2009 12:11:26
    c:\windows\system32\credssp.dll, loaded at 0x712d0000 - 17408 bytes - 4ce7b83d - file date is 11/21/2010 14:24:34
    c:\windows\winsxs\x86_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_5.82.7601.17514_none_ec83dffa859149af\comctl32.dll, loaded at 0x71600000 - 530432 bytes - 4ce7b82c - file date is 11/21/2010 14:24:10
    c:\windows\system32\secur32.dll, loaded at 0x71c10000 - 22016 bytes - 4fc99764 - file date is 6/2/2012 15:40:44
    c:\windows\system32\winmm.dll, loaded at 0x71d80000 - 194048 bytes - 4ce7ba42 - file date is 11/21/2010 14:24:18
    c:\windows\system32\wsock32.dll, loaded at 0x71df0000 - 15360 bytes - 4a5bdb63 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:16:22
    c:\windows\system32\fwpuclnt.dll, loaded at 0x71e10000 - 216576 bytes - 4ce7b832 - file date is 11/21/2010 14:24:10
    c:\windows\winsxs\x86_microsoft.vc80.crt_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.6195_none_d09154e044272b9a\msvcr80.dll, loaded at 0x71e50000 - 632656 bytes - 4dcddbf3 - file date is 1/3/2012 18:21:58
    c:\windows\winsxs\x86_microsoft.vc80.crt_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.6195_none_d09154e044272b9a\msvcp80.dll, loaded at 0x71ef0000 - 554832 bytes - 4dcddc6c - file date is 1/3/2012 18:21:58
    c:\windows\system32\dnsapi.dll, loaded at 0x71f80000 - 270336 bytes - 4d6f2733 - file date is 3/3/2011 16:38:02
    c:\windows\system32\wshtcpip.dll, loaded at 0x71fd0000 - 9216 bytes - 4a5bdb5a - file date is 7/14/2009 12:16:22
    c:\windows\system32\rasadhlp.dll, loaded at 0x720b0000 - 11776 bytes - 4a5bdad6 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:16:14
    c:\program files (x86)\bonjour\mdnsnsp.dll, loaded at 0x720c0000 - 121704 bytes - 4e5dca4c - file date is 8/30/2011 23:05:02
    c:\windows\system32\wship6.dll, loaded at 0x720f0000 - 10752 bytes - 4a5bdb56 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:16:22
    c:\windows\system32\rsaenh.dll, loaded at 0x72100000 - 242936 bytes - 4a5bdae0 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:17:56
    c:\windows\system32\cryptsp.dll, loaded at 0x72140000 - 78848 bytes - 4a5bda3d - file date is 7/14/2009 12:15:08
    c:\windows\system32\dhcpcsvc.dll, loaded at 0x72160000 - 61952 bytes - 4a5bd9b5 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:15:12
    c:\windows\system32\mswsock.dll, loaded at 0x72180000 - 232448 bytes - 4ce7b8e8 - file date is 11/21/2010 14:24:10
    c:\windows\system32\profapi.dll, loaded at 0x721d0000 - 31744 bytes - 4a5bbf41 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:16:14
    c:\windows\system32\userenv.dll, loaded at 0x721e0000 - 81920 bytes - 4ce7ba28 - file date is 11/21/2010 14:24:18
    c:\windows\system32\winnsi.dll, loaded at 0x725a0000 - 16896 bytes - 4a5bdb43 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:16:20
    c:\windows\system32\iphlpapi.dll, loaded at 0x725b0000 - 103936 bytes - 4ce7b859 - file date is 11/21/2010 14:24:34
    c:\windows\system32\d3d9.dll, loaded at 0x72ab0000 - 1828352 bytes - 4ce7b7b3 - file date is 11/21/2010 14:24:24
    c:\windows\system32\riched20.dll, loaded at 0x73a80000 - 473600 bytes - 4ce7b9c0 - file date is 11/21/2010 14:24:30
    c:\windows\system32\rpcrtremote.dll, loaded at 0x73b50000 - 46080 bytes - 4ce7992f - file date is 11/21/2010 14:24:16
    c:\windows\system32\oleacc.dll, loaded at 0x73bf0000 - 233472 bytes - 4e587028 - file date is 8/27/2011 15:26:28
    c:\windows\system32\hid.dll, loaded at 0x73c30000 - 22016 bytes - 4a5bd9ec - file date is 7/14/2009 12:15:26
    c:\progra~3\vksaver\vksaver3.dll, loaded at 0x74990000 - 60928 bytes - 510db18f - file date is 2/3/2013 17:14:24
    c:\windows\system32\version.dll, loaded at 0x74a10000 - 21504 bytes - 4a5bdb2b - file date is 7/14/2009 12:16:18
    c:\windows\syswow64\cryptbase.dll, loaded at 0x74ae0000 - 36864 bytes - 4a5bbf41 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:15:08
    c:\windows\syswow64\sspicli.dll, loaded at 0x74af0000 - 96768 bytes - 4fc997c1 - file date is 6/2/2012 15:34:10
    c:\windows\syswow64\imagehlp.dll, loaded at 0x74b50000 - 159232 bytes - 4f4f07d3 - file date is 3/1/2012 16:33:24
    c:\windows\syswow64\rpcrt4.dll, loaded at 0x74b80000 - 663040 bytes - 4ce7ba59 - file date is 11/21/2010 14:24:12
    c:\windows\syswow64\shell32.dll, loaded at 0x74c70000 - 12873728 bytes - 4fd2d1d9 - file date is 6/9/2012 15:41:02
    c:\windows\syswow64\api-ms-win-downlevel-shlwapi-l1-1-0.dll, loaded at 0x759e0000 - 9728 bytes - 50f3244f - file date is 1/14/2013 08:17:04
    c:\windows\syswow64\advapi32.dll, loaded at 0x759f0000 - 640512 bytes - 4ce7b706 - file date is 11/21/2010 14:24:30
    c:\windows\syswow64\devobj.dll, loaded at 0x75a90000 - 64512 bytes - 4ddb887d - file date is 5/24/2011 21:40:06
    c:\windows\syswow64\wintrust.dll, loaded at 0x75ab0000 - 172544 bytes - 5037b19b - file date is 8/25/2012 03:57:50
    c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll, loaded at 0x75ae0000 - 1114112 bytes - 50b83c89 - file date is 11/30/2012 15:54:00
    c:\windows\syswow64\shlwapi.dll, loaded at 0x75bf0000 - 350208 bytes - 4ce7b9e2 - file date is 11/21/2010 14:23:50
    c:\windows\syswow64\cfgmgr32.dll, loaded at 0x75c50000 - 145920 bytes - 4ddb8851 - file date is 5/24/2011 21:39:40
    c:\windows\syswow64\msctf.dll, loaded at 0x75c80000 - 828928 bytes - 4a5bda69 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:15:44
    c:\windows\syswow64\ole32.dll, loaded at 0x75d50000 - 1414144 bytes - 4ce7b96f - file date is 11/21/2010 14:24:02
    c:\windows\syswow64\usp10.dll, loaded at 0x75eb0000 - 626688 bytes - 50adaddf - file date is 11/22/2012 15:45:04
    c:\windows\syswow64\user32.dll, loaded at 0x75f50000 - 833024 bytes - 4ce7ba59 - file date is 11/21/2010 14:24:22
    c:\windows\syswow64\psapi.dll, loaded at 0x76050000 - 6144 bytes - 4a5bdace - file date is 7/14/2009 12:16:14
    c:\windows\syswow64\msvcrt.dll, loaded at 0x76060000 - 690688 bytes - 4eeaf722 - file date is 12/16/2011 18:53:00
    c:\windows\syswow64\crypt32.dll, loaded at 0x76110000 - 1159680 bytes - 4fc99664 - file date is 6/2/2012 15:36:30
    c:\windows\syswow64\api-ms-win-downlevel-version-l1-1-0.dll, loaded at 0x76230000 - 3072 bytes - 50f322eb - file date is 1/14/2013 08:11:08
    c:\windows\syswow64\ws2_32.dll, loaded at 0x76240000 - 206848 bytes - 4ce7ba68 - file date is 11/21/2010 14:23:56
    c:\windows\syswow64\sechost.dll, loaded at 0x76280000 - 92160 bytes - 4a5bdb04 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:16:14
    c:\windows\syswow64\oleaut32.dll, loaded at 0x762a0000 - 571904 bytes - 4e58702a - file date is 8/27/2011 15:26:28
    c:\windows\syswow64\normaliz.dll, loaded at 0x76330000 - 2048 bytes - 4a5bdad4 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:09:02
    c:\windows\syswow64\lpk.dll, loaded at 0x76350000 - 25600 bytes - 4a5bdb3b - file date is 7/14/2009 12:11:24
    c:\windows\syswow64\imm32.dll, loaded at 0x76360000 - 119808 bytes - 4ce7ba53 - file date is 11/21/2010 14:24:26
    c:\windows\syswow64\wininet.dll, loaded at 0x763c0000 - 1766912 bytes - 5125f214 - file date is 2/21/2013 21:30:18
    c:\windows\syswow64\nsi.dll, loaded at 0x76580000 - 8704 bytes - 4a5bdad9 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:16:12
    c:\windows\syswow64\api-ms-win-downlevel-advapi32-l1-1-0.dll, loaded at 0x76590000 - 10752 bytes - 50f3243a - file date is 1/14/2013 08:16:44
    c:\windows\syswow64\clbcatq.dll, loaded at 0x765a0000 - 522240 bytes - 4a5bd9b1 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:15:04
    c:\windows\syswow64\api-ms-win-downlevel-user32-l1-1-0.dll, loaded at 0x76630000 - 4096 bytes - 50f322f9 - file date is 1/14/2013 08:11:22
    c:\windows\syswow64\setupapi.dll, loaded at 0x76640000 - 1667584 bytes - 4ce7b9d9 - file date is 11/21/2010 14:23:52
    c:\windows\syswow64\iertutil.dll, loaded at 0x767e0000 - 2046464 bytes - 5125f157 - file date is 2/21/2013 21:29:38
    c:\windows\syswow64\gdi32.dll, loaded at 0x769e0000 - 311296 bytes - 4ce7ba53 - file date is 11/21/2010 14:24:16
    c:\windows\syswow64\kernelbase.dll, loaded at 0x76a70000 - 274944 bytes - 50b83c8a - file date is 11/30/2012 15:54:00
    c:\windows\syswow64\msasn1.dll, loaded at 0x76ac0000 - 34304 bytes - 4ce7b8c9 - file date is 11/21/2010 14:23:50
    c:\windows\syswow64\api-ms-win-downlevel-normaliz-l1-1-0.dll, loaded at 0x77060000 - 2560 bytes - 50f3244e - file date is 1/14/2013 08:17:04
    c:\windows\syswow64\ntdll.dll, loaded at 0x77090000 - 1292080 bytes - 4ec49b8f - file date is 11/17/2011 16:38:40
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\msvcr71.dll, loaded at 0x7c340000 - 348160 bytes - 3e561eac - file date is 5/30/2011 20:52:28
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\atl80.dll, loaded at 0x7c630000 - 95744 bytes - 4333a549 - file date is 5/30/2011 20:49:26
    user name : mq==
    version of editor.exe(32bit_client) :
    version of crysystem.dll(32bit_client) : 4213.206.410.6943
    engine : mrt_client
    gamestate : 23
    loadslot state:0, num:50
    entity count(char/user) : 57/1
    ncode : -39600
    [(6800 :multithread) 2013/04/26 14:07:41]: =======================
    an access violation in module ws2_32.dll at 0023:76244cb0.
    exception handler called in the aion server.
    start at 2013/4/26 13:51:17
    error occurred at 4/26/2013 14:07:42.
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\aion.bin.exe
    4 processor(s), type 586.
    4079 mbytes physical memory.
    64 percent of memory is in use.
    memory history :
    virtual addr history :
    available mem to commit :
    free memory [pm: 1482360, vm: 2514536, ap: 4112560] kbytes
    clientlaunchedcount : 1
    read from location 00000020 caused an access violation.

    total allocated memory: 312790 kb, (crt+pages) 606801 kb
    crt allocated memory: 96593 kb
    cache allocated memory: 216197 kb
    pages allocated memory: 510208 kb (free:264704 kb / wasted:29306 kb)
    free mem dist: 0(1k) 15(10k) 419(100k) 48(1m) 37(10m) 10(100m) 0(200m) 1(300m) 0(500m) 0(1g) tick:31
    [os] windows 7 домашняя базовая 64-bit (6.1, build 7601) service pack 1 (7601.win7sp1_gdr.130318-1533)
    [directx] directx 11
    [processor] intel(r) core(tm) i5-2300 cpu @ 2.80ghz (4 cpus), ~2.8ghz
    [display0vender] nvidia geforce gtx 550 ti
    [display0memory] 977
    [display0driver_info] nvd3dum.dll
    [display0shader] vs:(3.0) ps:(3.0)
    [soundacceleration] f
    [sound0desc] динамики (via high definition audio)
    [sound0hardwareid] hdaudio\func_01&ven_1106&dev_4397&subsys_18490397&rev_1000
    [e1]<pak_cache> 5
    [e2]<brush> 390 <vege> 3791 <stat> 284 <char> 118 <anim> 25 / 541
    [e3]<entcontext> 344 / 808 <sound> 38 (53)
    [e4]<envcolor> 0 <lm> 34
    [e5]<prtres> 101 <prteff> 0 <fxceff> 0 <decal> 0 <etc> 2035
    rl:0, [of:70000000, of2:0, pf:0, pf2:0], [rnv:83894272, rni:0], [ev:0]
    p 0 0 0
    dynvb : 1628, 4096 - 0, 0
    d2dimage: textures/ui/anim/sandwatch
    : 1718 816 135 135, 5156, 0 50 25 25, 0, 100
    thread[0] akpg@@#@&(z???? ???? ????
    -1 220010000 220010000 0 938 2264 262

    eax=00000000 cs=0023 eip=76244cb0 eflgs=00010202
    ebx=0270acc8 ss=002b esp=3697f9ac ebp=3697f9bc
    ecx=3697fa7c ds=002b esi=0270b038 fs=0053
    edx=00000002 es=002b edi=0270aae8 gs=002b
    bytes at cs:eip:
    ff 50 20 5d c2 14 00 90 90 90 90 90 6a 0c 68 38
    stack dump:
    3697f9ac: 00000000 00000000 3697fa7c 0270aae8 3697f9d8 76244c93 00000000 00000000
    3697f9cc: 00000000 3697fa7c 0270aae8 3697fa08 76244dbb 0270acc8 00000000 3697fa7c
    3697f9ec: 0270aae8 3697fad4 0270b038 fffffffe 00000000 0000013c ffffffff 3697fa4c
    3697fa0c: 76244d26 0270b050 00000000 3697fa7c 0270aae8 9ddcbfed 3697fad4 00000000
    3697fa2c: fffffffe 0270b038 3697fa20 3697f3d4 3697fa8c 76263912 dd6f0899 fffffffe
    3697fa4c: 3697fa9c 7624a2cd 0270b038 00000000 3697fa7c 0270aae8 9ddcbf3d 0000003c
    3697fa6c: 3697fafc 3697faf8 0000003c 3697fafc 0000013c 0270aae8 3697fa64 3697f3d4
    3697fa8c: 3697ff60 76263912 dd6fe6e1 fffffffe 3697fac8 7624a22b 0270b038 00000000
    3697faac: 3697fad4 3697fafc 762674dc 0000013c 00000000 00000000 0000013c 3697fd04
    3697facc: 7625775a 0270b038 0000013c ecc2a1b4 762674dc 00000000 3697fecc 3697fedc
    3697faec: 00000000 02709b70 ecc2a1b4 3697fafc 0000003c ecc2a1b4 762674dc 00000000
    3697fb0c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000002 762674b4 00000000 00000000
    3697fb2c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 3697fdf0 00000000 0044005c 00560045 00430049
    3697fb4c: 005c0045 0045004e 00420054 005f0054 00430054 00490050 005f0050 0038007b
    3697fb6c: 00360034 00450045 00340033 002d0032 00300037 00390033 0031002d 00440031
    3697fb8c: 002d0045 00440039 00300032 0038002d 00360030 00360045 00360046 00360045
    3697fbac: 00360039 007d0033 54530000 435c4d45 65727275 00000000 00000000 770aff66
    3697fbcc: 76a80d93 3697fc18 001f0003 3697fc08 76a80dad 00000000 00000038 65746e49
    3697fbec: 63616672 7b5c7365 770be38c 414943f4 770be046 027501ac 02750000 02750000
    3697fc0c: 00000000 00a20013 0000465e 0000465e 3697fc64 770be38c 41494320 00e80014
    3697fc2c: 0000465e 0000465e 001d000a 05340358 05340358 00000020 00000020 00000000
    3697fc4c: 05369338 05340048 05340168 05360720 05340510 05340510 3697fbf8 3697fbfc
    3697fc6c: 3697fd88 771071d5 00d56dd0 fffffffe 770be38c 770be0f2 770be046 00000020
    3697fc8c: 00000000 00000000 41494290 3697fdf0 008601a4 00860000 00860000 00000000
    3697fcac: 00000000 3697fe1d 00000000 00000001 026e07d0 3697fd00 76243be3 76243beb
    3697fccc: 9ddcb8a1 3697fecc 3697fedc 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 3697fccc
    3697fcec: 053603b0 3697ff60 76263912 dd6f79a9 fffffffe 9ddcb8a5 3697feb4 31d6d3a1
    3697fd0c: ecc2a1b4 ecc2a1b4 00000000 02020202 536e6957 206b636f 00302e32 ecc2a160
    3697fd2c: 3697fd44 660428bc 05360310 0000001e 05360720 00000010 3697fd5c 66042978
    3697fd4c: 05360310 0000000f 05360720 00000000 02750000 05360720 05360310 0000000f
    3697fd6c: 007a0014 0000465f 00000000 05360720 3697fdf8 3697fd94 00000000 000023c7
    3697fd8c: 00004660 653d78e6 00000000 05360720 3697fdf8 3697fdb4 00000000 000023c7
    3697fdac: 00004660 653d78e6 0000465f 00000001 660cc77b 02750000 00000000 660cc79a
    3697fdcc: 8f528351 00000000 ecc2a160 00000000 3697fe10 3697fdcc 66055e4d 3697fea8
    3697fdec: 660d3a10 3697fe70 3697fe0c 66041e2b 3697fe70 3697fe0b 3697fe6c 0000fe20
    3697fe0c: 3697fe20 66041c10 00000000 3697fe6c 6e755220 676e696e 66041400 00000001
    3697fe2c: 00000000 3697fe6c 3697feb4 6604fe74 8f52801d 3697fe50 3697fe50 6cda0000
    3697fe4c: 00000000 09fee0e4 05360000 094343e2 09fee0e8 fff0bdc0 00000000 00000007
    3697fe6c: f2d02200 504d4300 4c4c442e 09433500 f2cf0000 00000000 0000000f 00000000
    3697fe8c: 08bf8fa8 48377068 00000002 3697feb8 0000d025 36970000 6cda0000 3697ff60
    3697feac: 660e8fd9 ffffffff 3697ff38 31d6d115 ecc2a1b4 08bf8fa8 71e5286e 08bf8fa8
    3697fecc: 08b81530 00000000 00000000 00000000 3269a7cc 6cda0000 00000000 08bf8fa8
    3697feec: 3697ff38 71e54c01 08c80000 00300030 0032002d 002d0035 00320032 0042002d
    3697ff0c: 002d0033 00440041 0032002d 00000041 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
    3697ff2c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 3697ff70 71e52848 00000000 8a22395f 08bf8fa8
    3697ff4c: 71e5286e 08bf8fa8 c0000005 3697ff44 3697f3ec 3697ffb0 71e58ced cd588db7
    3697ff6c: 00000000 3697ff80 71e528c8 75af33aa 08bf8fa8 3697ffc0 770c9ef2 08bf8fa8
    3697ff8c: 41494048 08bf8fa8 71e5286e 08bf8fa8 c0000005 75b17717 75b17717 3697ff8c
    3697ffac: 3697f3f8 ffffffff 771071d5 00d57ab8 00000000 3697ffd8 770c9ec5 71e5286e
    3697ffcc: 08bf8fa8 74a22e09 74a22e09 00000000 663e2141 71e5286e 08bf8fa8 00000000
    3697ffec: 00000000 00000000 71e5286e 08bf8fa8 00000000

    intel call stack information
    76244cb0 3697f9bc 0001:00003cb0 c:\windows\syswow64\ws2_32.dll
    bytes at cs:eip: ff 50 20 5d c2 14 00 90 90 90 90 90 6a 0c 68 38

    76244c93 3697f9d8 0001:00003c93 c:\windows\syswow64\ws2_32.dll
    bytes at cs:eip: 5d c2 10 00 90 90 90 90 90 8b ff 55 8b ec ff 75

    76244dbb 3697fa08 0001:00003dbb c:\windows\syswow64\ws2_32.dll
    bytes at cs:eip: 89 45 fc 85 c0 0f 84 a5 00 00 00 ff 15 18 11 24

    76244d26 3697fa4c 0001:00003d26 c:\windows\syswow64\ws2_32.dll
    bytes at cs:eip: 8b f8 56 e8 ea fe ff ff 8b c7 e8 8b c6 ff ff c2

    7624a2cd 3697fa9c 0001:000092cd c:\windows\syswow64\ws2_32.dll
    bytes at cs:eip: 8b f0 33 c0 40 89 45 fc 83 7d e4 00 0f 84 7e 80

    7624a22b 3697fac8 0001:0000922b c:\windows\syswow64\ws2_32.dll
    bytes at cs:eip: 8b f8 85 ff 0f 85 c4 73 00 00 8b 4e 38 89 4d f8

    7625775a 3697fd04 0001:0001675a c:\windows\syswow64\ws2_32.dll
    bytes at cs:eip: 3b c3 75 22 8b 85 f0 fd ff ff 3b c3 74 04 38 18

    31d6d3a1 3697feb4 0001:001cc3a1 c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\game.dll
    bytes at cs:eip: 85 c0 89 46 18 75 06 e8 00 64 4d 44 90 8b 56 18

    31d6d115 3697ff38 0001:001cc115 c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\game.dll
    bytes at cs:eip: 8b d7 52 b8 f0 59 c6 32 e8 9e 54 ff ff 8b 44 24

    71e52848 3697ff70 0001:00001848 c:\windows\winsxs\x86_microsoft.vc80.crt_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.6195_none_d09154e044272b9a\msvcr80.dll
    bytes at cs:eip: 59 e9 af ff ff ff 8b 45 ec 8b 08 8b 09 89 4d e4

    71e528c8 3697ff80 0001:000018c8 c:\windows\winsxs\x86_microsoft.vc80.crt_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.6195_none_d09154e044272b9a\msvcr80.dll
    bytes at cs:eip: cc 55 8b ec 51 53 57 8b 7d 08 33 db 3b fb 89 5d

    770c9ef2 3697ffc0 0001:00029ef2 c:\windows\syswow64\ntdll.dll
    bytes at cs:eip: c7 45 fc fe ff ff ff e8 0b 40 ff ff c2 08 00 90

    770c9ec5 3697ffd8 0001:00029ec5 c:\windows\syswow64\ntdll.dll
    bytes at cs:eip: cc 90 90 90 90 90 6a 14 68 30 c5 0b 77 e8 ed 3f

    module list: names, addresses, sizes, time stamps and file times:
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\aion.bin.exe, loaded at 0x00400000 - 2948760 bytes - 51652928 - file date is 4/24/2013 08:08:38
    c:\windows\system32\networkdlllsp.dll, loaded at 0x03370000 - 315320 bytes - 2a425e19 - file date is 6/10/2012 18:21:30
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\dbghelp.dll, loaded at 0x04870000 - 986112 bytes - 41e5794f - file date is 5/30/2011 20:50:30
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\crysystem.dll, loaded at 0x093e0000 - 5877960 bytes - 5165254e - file date is 4/23/2013 20:59:30
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\aegisty.bin, loaded at 0x10000000 - 1550184 bytes - 5008bef7 - file date is 12/18/2012 18:57:48
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\cryphysics.dll, loaded at 0x2bdf0000 - 1581056 bytes - 5165244e - file date is 4/23/2013 20:59:16
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\crymovie.dll, loaded at 0x2c150000 - 712704 bytes - 51652417 - file date is 4/23/2013 20:59:16
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\xrenderd3d9.dll, loaded at 0x2c200000 - 3166208 bytes - 51652597 - file date is 4/23/2013 20:59:52
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\ijl15.dll, loaded at 0x2cdb0000 - 372736 bytes - 482ac4cd - file date is 5/30/2011 20:51:20
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\compressati.dll, loaded at 0x2ce10000 - 61440 bytes - 4124d1fb - file date is 5/30/2011 20:49:32
    c:\program files (x86)\nvidia corporation\3d vision\nvstereoapii.dll, loaded at 0x2cfc0000 - 354528 bytes - 50f95370 - file date is 1/18/2013 08:16:52
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\cryinput.dll, loaded at 0x2d030000 - 22528 bytes - 51652401 - file date is 4/23/2013 20:59:16
    c:\program files (x86)\nvidia corporation\3d vision\nvscpapi.dll, loaded at 0x2ebb0000 - 1028648 bytes - 50f95366 - file date is 1/18/2013 08:16:52
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\crysoundsystem.dll, loaded at 0x2edc0000 - 282624 bytes - 5165245e - file date is 4/23/2013 20:59:18
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\fmodex.dll, loaded at 0x2ffa0000 - 1101824 bytes - 4f5d9f02 - file date is 10/9/2012 23:14:50
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\cryfont.dll, loaded at 0x304f0000 - 487424 bytes - 516523ff - file date is 4/23/2013 20:59:16
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\cryentitysystem.dll, loaded at 0x30570000 - 503808 bytes - 516523f1 - file date is 4/23/2013 20:59:16
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\beecrypt.dll, loaded at 0x30730000 - 188416 bytes - 414fb876 - file date is 5/30/2011 20:49:26
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\cryanimation.dll, loaded at 0x30990000 - 1490944 bytes - 51652494 - file date is 4/23/2013 20:59:16
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\cry3dengine.dll, loaded at 0x30b10000 - 1892352 bytes - 516523e1 - file date is 4/23/2013 20:59:16
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\game.dll, loaded at 0x31ba0000 - 24658120 bytes - 5165371f - file date is 4/23/2013 20:59:46
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\binkw32.dll, loaded at 0x33330000 - 171008 bytes - 4896a17b - file date is 5/30/2011 20:49:32
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\libeay32.dll, loaded at 0x33370000 - 1269760 bytes - 48043a13 - file date is 5/30/2011 20:52:02
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\awesomium.dll, loaded at 0x336a0000 - 21435904 bytes - 4ecdb6e9 - file date is 3/13/2012 21:23:10
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\icudt42.dll, loaded at 0x386e0000 - 10941440 bytes - 4b186276 - file date is 3/13/2012 21:23:10
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\scriptdll.dll, loaded at 0x40f70000 - 17141760 bytes - 513935ef - file date is 4/23/2013 20:59:50
    c:\windows\system32\d3dx9_31.dll, loaded at 0x489c0000 - 2414360 bytes - 451c48f1 - file date is 9/28/2006 16:05:20
    c:\windows\system32\d3dx9_38.dll, loaded at 0x64590000 - 3850760 bytes - 4833557d - file date is 5/30/2008 14:11:46
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\frost\gameshielddll.dll, loaded at 0x66040000 - 1711424 bytes - 510b836e - file date is 2/12/2013 19:59:04
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\frost\frostcollector.dll, loaded at 0x663e0000 - 1089344 bytes - 50ff9fae - file date is 2/12/2013 19:58:44
    c:\windows\syswow64\d3d10.dll, loaded at 0x66660000 - 1080832 bytes - 50f30f11 - file date is 1/14/2013 06:46:26
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\frost\frostupdater.dll, loaded at 0x66770000 - 1224512 bytes - 50f57aac - file date is 1/16/2013 22:17:00
    c:\windows\system32\nvapi.dll, loaded at 0x67360000 - 2505144 bytes - 50f947df - file date is 2/26/2013 00:32:44
    c:\windows\system32\wbem\fastprox.dll, loaded at 0x6c780000 - 606208 bytes - 4ce7b809 - file date is 11/21/2010 14:24:26
    c:\windows\system32\dsound.dll, loaded at 0x6ccc0000 - 453632 bytes - 4a5bd9fd - file date is 7/14/2009 12:15:14
    c:\windows\system32\icmp.dll, loaded at 0x6cda0000 - 3072 bytes - 4a5bd9fb - file date is 7/14/2009 12:05:48
    c:\windows\system32\dinput8.dll, loaded at 0x6cdb0000 - 145408 bytes - 4a5bd9c1 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:15:12
    c:\windows\system32\midimap.dll, loaded at 0x6cde0000 - 16896 bytes - 4a5bda84 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:15:42
    c:\windows\syswow64\d3d10_1core.dll, loaded at 0x6cdf0000 - 249856 bytes - 50f3145c - file date is 1/14/2013 07:09:02
    c:\windows\system32\wdmaud.drv, loaded at 0x6cea0000 - 172032 bytes - 4ce7ba26 - file date is 11/21/2010 14:24:02
    c:\windows\system32\winbrand.dll, loaded at 0x6ced0000 - 12800 bytes - 4a5bdb39 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:16:20
    c:\windows\syswow64\d3d10_1.dll, loaded at 0x6cee0000 - 161792 bytes - 50f30f9f - file date is 1/14/2013 06:48:48
    c:\windows\syswow64\d3d10core.dll, loaded at 0x6dac0000 - 220160 bytes - 50f3144b - file date is 1/14/2013 07:08:44
    c:\windows\system32\ntdsapi.dll, loaded at 0x6dcc0000 - 90112 bytes - 4a5bdade - file date is 7/14/2009 12:16:12
    c:\windows\system32\wbemcomn.dll, loaded at 0x6dd10000 - 363008 bytes - 4ce7ba25 - file date is 11/21/2010 14:24:10
    c:\windows\system32\wbem\wbemprox.dll, loaded at 0x6ddb0000 - 29184 bytes - 4a5bdb2f - file date is 7/14/2009 12:16:18
    c:\windows\system32\ksuser.dll, loaded at 0x6de20000 - 4608 bytes - 4a5bdab3 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:15:36
    c:\windows\system32\nvd3dum.dll, loaded at 0x6df30000 - 15129960 bytes - 50f946b6 - file date is 2/26/2013 00:32:42
    c:\windows\system32\rtutils.dll, loaded at 0x6ee70000 - 37376 bytes - 4ce7b9ac - file date is 11/21/2010 14:24:02
    c:\windows\syswow64\bcryptprimitives.dll, loaded at 0x6eea0000 - 249680 bytes - 4a5bd987 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:17:56
    c:\windows\system32\bcrypt.dll, loaded at 0x6ef40000 - 80896 bytes - 4a5bdb38 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:11:22
    c:\windows\system32\audioses.dll, loaded at 0x6ef60000 - 195584 bytes - 4ce7b725 - file date is 11/21/2010 14:23:56
    c:\windows\syswow64\dxdiagn.dll, loaded at 0x6efa0000 - 210432 bytes - 4ce7b818 - file date is 11/21/2010 14:24:24
    c:\windows\system32\msacm32.drv, loaded at 0x6f460000 - 20992 bytes - 4a5bda4f - file date is 7/14/2009 12:14:10
    c:\windows\system32\wbem\wbemsvc.dll, loaded at 0x6f480000 - 47616 bytes - 4a5bdb30 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:16:18
    c:\windows\system32\dhcpcsvc6.dll, loaded at 0x6f830000 - 44032 bytes - 50745f7c - file date is 10/10/2012 04:40:32
    c:\windows\system32\mmdevapi.dll, loaded at 0x6ff50000 - 213504 bytes - 4ce7b892 - file date is 11/21/2010 14:23:52
    c:\windows\syswow64\dxgi.dll, loaded at 0x70000000 - 293376 bytes - 50f3170f - file date is 1/14/2013 07:20:32
    c:\windows\syswow64\d3d11.dll, loaded at 0x70050000 - 1504768 bytes - 50f31443 - file date is 1/14/2013 07:08:36
    c:\windows\winsxs\x86_microsoft.windows.gdiplus_6595b64144ccf1df_1.1.7601.17825_none_72d273598668a06b\gdiplus.dll, loaded at 0x70430000 - 1625088 bytes - 4f9235ab - file date is 4/21/2012 15:21:02
    c:\windows\system32\propsys.dll, loaded at 0x706d0000 - 988160 bytes - 4ce7b983 - file date is 11/21/2010 14:24:10
    c:\windows\syswow64\powrprof.dll, loaded at 0x70870000 - 145408 bytes - 4a5bdb0c - file date is 7/14/2009 12:16:14
    c:\windows\system32\napinsp.dll, loaded at 0x708a0000 - 52224 bytes - 4a5bda6d - file date is 7/14/2009 12:16:04
    c:\windows\system32\nlaapi.dll, loaded at 0x708b0000 - 52224 bytes - 4f0fd6da - file date is 1/13/2012 18:12:04
    c:\windows\system32\avrt.dll, loaded at 0x708c0000 - 14336 bytes - 4a5bd998 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:15:00
    c:\windows\system32\sfc_os.dll, loaded at 0x70b20000 - 40960 bytes - 4a5bdb02 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:16:16
    c:\windows\system32\sfc.dll, loaded at 0x70b30000 - 2560 bytes - 4a5bdb01 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:10:24
    c:\windows\system32\msacm32.dll, loaded at 0x70b40000 - 72192 bytes - 4a5bda4e - file date is 7/14/2009 12:15:44
    c:\windows\system32\winrnr.dll, loaded at 0x70bd0000 - 20992 bytes - 4a5bdb44 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:16:20
    c:\windows\system32\pnrpnsp.dll, loaded at 0x70be0000 - 65024 bytes - 4a5bdaf6 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:16:14
    c:\windows\system32\d3d8thk.dll, loaded at 0x70c00000 - 11264 bytes - 4a5bd9a8 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:15:10
    c:\windows\system32\glu32.dll, loaded at 0x70c20000 - 130048 bytes - 4a5bd9df - file date is 7/14/2009 12:15:24
    c:\windows\system32\dwmapi.dll, loaded at 0x70c50000 - 67072 bytes - 4a5bda07 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:15:14
    c:\windows\system32\dciman32.dll, loaded at 0x70c70000 - 10240 bytes - 4a5bd9b4 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:15:10
    c:\windows\system32\ddraw.dll, loaded at 0x70cf0000 - 531968 bytes - 4a5bd9b8 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:15:12
    c:\windows\system32\opengl32.dll, loaded at 0x70de0000 - 791552 bytes - 4a5bdadb - file date is 7/14/2009 12:16:14
    c:\windows\system32\uxtheme.dll, loaded at 0x70eb0000 - 245760 bytes - 4a5bdb3c - file date is 7/14/2009 12:11:26
    c:\windows\system32\credssp.dll, loaded at 0x712d0000 - 17408 bytes - 4ce7b83d - file date is 11/21/2010 14:24:34
    c:\windows\winsxs\x86_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_5.82.7601.17514_none_ec83dffa859149af\comctl32.dll, loaded at 0x71600000 - 530432 bytes - 4ce7b82c - file date is 11/21/2010 14:24:10
    c:\windows\system32\secur32.dll, loaded at 0x71c10000 - 22016 bytes - 4fc99764 - file date is 6/2/2012 15:40:44
    c:\windows\system32\winmm.dll, loaded at 0x71d80000 - 194048 bytes - 4ce7ba42 - file date is 11/21/2010 14:24:18
    c:\windows\system32\wsock32.dll, loaded at 0x71df0000 - 15360 bytes - 4a5bdb63 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:16:22
    c:\windows\system32\fwpuclnt.dll, loaded at 0x71e10000 - 216576 bytes - 4ce7b832 - file date is 11/21/2010 14:24:10
    c:\windows\winsxs\x86_microsoft.vc80.crt_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.6195_none_d09154e044272b9a\msvcr80.dll, loaded at 0x71e50000 - 632656 bytes - 4dcddbf3 - file date is 1/3/2012 18:21:58
    c:\windows\winsxs\x86_microsoft.vc80.crt_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.6195_none_d09154e044272b9a\msvcp80.dll, loaded at 0x71ef0000 - 554832 bytes - 4dcddc6c - file date is 1/3/2012 18:21:58
    c:\windows\system32\dnsapi.dll, loaded at 0x71f80000 - 270336 bytes - 4d6f2733 - file date is 3/3/2011 16:38:02
    c:\windows\system32\wshtcpip.dll, loaded at 0x71fd0000 - 9216 bytes - 4a5bdb5a - file date is 7/14/2009 12:16:22
    c:\windows\system32\rasadhlp.dll, loaded at 0x720b0000 - 11776 bytes - 4a5bdad6 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:16:14
    c:\program files (x86)\bonjour\mdnsnsp.dll, loaded at 0x720c0000 - 121704 bytes - 4e5dca4c - file date is 8/30/2011 23:05:02
    c:\windows\system32\wship6.dll, loaded at 0x720f0000 - 10752 bytes - 4a5bdb56 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:16:22
    c:\windows\system32\rsaenh.dll, loaded at 0x72100000 - 242936 bytes - 4a5bdae0 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:17:56
    c:\windows\system32\cryptsp.dll, loaded at 0x72140000 - 78848 bytes - 4a5bda3d - file date is 7/14/2009 12:15:08
    c:\windows\system32\dhcpcsvc.dll, loaded at 0x72160000 - 61952 bytes - 4a5bd9b5 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:15:12
    c:\windows\system32\mswsock.dll, loaded at 0x72180000 - 232448 bytes - 4ce7b8e8 - file date is 11/21/2010 14:24:10
    c:\windows\system32\profapi.dll, loaded at 0x721d0000 - 31744 bytes - 4a5bbf41 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:16:14
    c:\windows\system32\userenv.dll, loaded at 0x721e0000 - 81920 bytes - 4ce7ba28 - file date is 11/21/2010 14:24:18
    c:\windows\system32\winnsi.dll, loaded at 0x725a0000 - 16896 bytes - 4a5bdb43 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:16:20
    c:\windows\system32\iphlpapi.dll, loaded at 0x725b0000 - 103936 bytes - 4ce7b859 - file date is 11/21/2010 14:24:34
    c:\windows\system32\d3d9.dll, loaded at 0x72ab0000 - 1828352 bytes - 4ce7b7b3 - file date is 11/21/2010 14:24:24
    c:\windows\system32\riched20.dll, loaded at 0x73a80000 - 473600 bytes - 4ce7b9c0 - file date is 11/21/2010 14:24:30
    c:\windows\system32\rpcrtremote.dll, loaded at 0x73b50000 - 46080 bytes - 4ce7992f - file date is 11/21/2010 14:24:16
    c:\windows\system32\oleacc.dll, loaded at 0x73bf0000 - 233472 bytes - 4e587028 - file date is 8/27/2011 15:26:28
    c:\windows\system32\hid.dll, loaded at 0x73c30000 - 22016 bytes - 4a5bd9ec - file date is 7/14/2009 12:15:26
    c:\progra~3\vksaver\vksaver3.dll, loaded at 0x74990000 - 60928 bytes - 510db18f - file date is 2/3/2013 17:14:24
    c:\windows\system32\version.dll, loaded at 0x74a10000 - 21504 bytes - 4a5bdb2b - file date is 7/14/2009 12:16:18
    c:\windows\syswow64\cryptbase.dll, loaded at 0x74ae0000 - 36864 bytes - 4a5bbf41 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:15:08
    c:\windows\syswow64\sspicli.dll, loaded at 0x74af0000 - 96768 bytes - 4fc997c1 - file date is 6/2/2012 15:34:10
    c:\windows\syswow64\imagehlp.dll, loaded at 0x74b50000 - 159232 bytes - 4f4f07d3 - file date is 3/1/2012 16:33:24
    c:\windows\syswow64\rpcrt4.dll, loaded at 0x74b80000 - 663040 bytes - 4ce7ba59 - file date is 11/21/2010 14:24:12
    c:\windows\syswow64\shell32.dll, loaded at 0x74c70000 - 12873728 bytes - 4fd2d1d9 - file date is 6/9/2012 15:41:02
    c:\windows\syswow64\api-ms-win-downlevel-shlwapi-l1-1-0.dll, loaded at 0x759e0000 - 9728 bytes - 50f3244f - file date is 1/14/2013 08:17:04
    c:\windows\syswow64\advapi32.dll, loaded at 0x759f0000 - 640512 bytes - 4ce7b706 - file date is 11/21/2010 14:24:30
    c:\windows\syswow64\devobj.dll, loaded at 0x75a90000 - 64512 bytes - 4ddb887d - file date is 5/24/2011 21:40:06
    c:\windows\syswow64\wintrust.dll, loaded at 0x75ab0000 - 172544 bytes - 5037b19b - file date is 8/25/2012 03:57:50
    c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll, loaded at 0x75ae0000 - 1114112 bytes - 50b83c89 - file date is 11/30/2012 15:54:00
    c:\windows\syswow64\shlwapi.dll, loaded at 0x75bf0000 - 350208 bytes - 4ce7b9e2 - file date is 11/21/2010 14:23:50
    c:\windows\syswow64\cfgmgr32.dll, loaded at 0x75c50000 - 145920 bytes - 4ddb8851 - file date is 5/24/2011 21:39:40
    c:\windows\syswow64\msctf.dll, loaded at 0x75c80000 - 828928 bytes - 4a5bda69 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:15:44
    c:\windows\syswow64\ole32.dll, loaded at 0x75d50000 - 1414144 bytes - 4ce7b96f - file date is 11/21/2010 14:24:02
    c:\windows\syswow64\usp10.dll, loaded at 0x75eb0000 - 626688 bytes - 50adaddf - file date is 11/22/2012 15:45:04
    c:\windows\syswow64\user32.dll, loaded at 0x75f50000 - 833024 bytes - 4ce7ba59 - file date is 11/21/2010 14:24:22
    c:\windows\syswow64\psapi.dll, loaded at 0x76050000 - 6144 bytes - 4a5bdace - file date is 7/14/2009 12:16:14
    c:\windows\syswow64\msvcrt.dll, loaded at 0x76060000 - 690688 bytes - 4eeaf722 - file date is 12/16/2011 18:53:00
    c:\windows\syswow64\crypt32.dll, loaded at 0x76110000 - 1159680 bytes - 4fc99664 - file date is 6/2/2012 15:36:30
    c:\windows\syswow64\api-ms-win-downlevel-version-l1-1-0.dll, loaded at 0x76230000 - 3072 bytes - 50f322eb - file date is 1/14/2013 08:11:08
    c:\windows\syswow64\ws2_32.dll, loaded at 0x76240000 - 206848 bytes - 4ce7ba68 - file date is 11/21/2010 14:23:56
    c:\windows\syswow64\sechost.dll, loaded at 0x76280000 - 92160 bytes - 4a5bdb04 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:16:14
    c:\windows\syswow64\oleaut32.dll, loaded at 0x762a0000 - 571904 bytes - 4e58702a - file date is 8/27/2011 15:26:28
    c:\windows\syswow64\normaliz.dll, loaded at 0x76330000 - 2048 bytes - 4a5bdad4 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:09:02
    c:\windows\syswow64\lpk.dll, loaded at 0x76350000 - 25600 bytes - 4a5bdb3b - file date is 7/14/2009 12:11:24
    c:\windows\syswow64\imm32.dll, loaded at 0x76360000 - 119808 bytes - 4ce7ba53 - file date is 11/21/2010 14:24:26
    c:\windows\syswow64\wininet.dll, loaded at 0x763c0000 - 1766912 bytes - 5125f214 - file date is 2/21/2013 21:30:18
    c:\windows\syswow64\nsi.dll, loaded at 0x76580000 - 8704 bytes - 4a5bdad9 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:16:12
    c:\windows\syswow64\api-ms-win-downlevel-advapi32-l1-1-0.dll, loaded at 0x76590000 - 10752 bytes - 50f3243a - file date is 1/14/2013 08:16:44
    c:\windows\syswow64\clbcatq.dll, loaded at 0x765a0000 - 522240 bytes - 4a5bd9b1 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:15:04
    c:\windows\syswow64\api-ms-win-downlevel-user32-l1-1-0.dll, loaded at 0x76630000 - 4096 bytes - 50f322f9 - file date is 1/14/2013 08:11:22
    c:\windows\syswow64\setupapi.dll, loaded at 0x76640000 - 1667584 bytes - 4ce7b9d9 - file date is 11/21/2010 14:23:52
    c:\windows\syswow64\iertutil.dll, loaded at 0x767e0000 - 2046464 bytes - 5125f157 - file date is 2/21/2013 21:29:38
    c:\windows\syswow64\gdi32.dll, loaded at 0x769e0000 - 311296 bytes - 4ce7ba53 - file date is 11/21/2010 14:24:16
    c:\windows\syswow64\kernelbase.dll, loaded at 0x76a70000 - 274944 bytes - 50b83c8a - file date is 11/30/2012 15:54:00
    c:\windows\syswow64\msasn1.dll, loaded at 0x76ac0000 - 34304 bytes - 4ce7b8c9 - file date is 11/21/2010 14:23:50
    c:\windows\syswow64\api-ms-win-downlevel-normaliz-l1-1-0.dll, loaded at 0x77060000 - 2560 bytes - 50f3244e - file date is 1/14/2013 08:17:04
    c:\windows\syswow64\ntdll.dll, loaded at 0x77090000 - 1292080 bytes - 4ec49b8f - file date is 11/17/2011 16:38:40
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\msvcr71.dll, loaded at 0x7c340000 - 348160 bytes - 3e561eac - file date is 5/30/2011 20:52:28
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\atl80.dll, loaded at 0x7c630000 - 95744 bytes - 4333a549 - file date is 5/30/2011 20:49:26
    user name : mq==
    version of editor.exe(32bit_client) :
    version of crysystem.dll(32bit_client) : 4213.206.410.6943
    engine : mrt_client
    gamestate : 23
    loadslot state:0, num:50
    entity count(char/user) : 32/1
    ncode : -39600
    [(8700 :multithread) 2013/04/26 19:12:51]: =======================
    an access violation in module ws2_32.dll at 0023:76244cb0.
    exception handler called in the aion server.
    start at 2013/4/26 19:11:16
    error occurred at 4/26/2013 19:12:52.
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\aion.bin.exe
    4 processor(s), type 586.
    4079 mbytes physical memory.
    48 percent of memory is in use.
    memory history :
    virtual addr history :
    available mem to commit :
    free memory [pm: 2146972, vm: 2540764, ap: 4113576] kbytes
    clientlaunchedcount : 1
    read from location 00000020 caused an access violation.

    total allocated memory: 273983 kb, (crt+pages) 594480 kb
    crt allocated memory: 84272 kb
    cache allocated memory: 189710 kb
    pages allocated memory: 510208 kb (free:308864 kb / wasted:11633 kb)
    free mem dist: 0(1k) 14(10k) 394(100k) 38(1m) 39(10m) 9(100m) 0(200m) 1(300m) 0(500m) 0(1g) tick:31
    [os] windows 7 домашняя базовая 64-bit (6.1, build 7601) service pack 1 (7601.win7sp1_gdr.130318-1533)
    [directx] directx 11
    [processor] intel(r) core(tm) i5-2300 cpu @ 2.80ghz (4 cpus), ~2.8ghz
    [display0vender] nvidia geforce gtx 550 ti
    [display0memory] 977
    [display0driver_info] nvd3dum.dll
    [display0shader] vs:(3.0) ps:(3.0)
    [soundacceleration] f
    [sound0desc] динамики (via high definition audio)
    [sound0hardwareid] hdaudio\func_01&ven_1106&dev_4397&subsys_18490397&rev_1000
    [e1]<pak_cache> 6
    [e2]<brush> 62 <vege> 119 <stat> 123 <char> 58 <anim> 27 / 33
    [e3]<entcontext> 13 / 2019 <sound> 23 (11)
    [e4]<envcolor> 0 <lm> 1
    [e5]<prtres> 34 <prteff> 0 <fxceff> 0 <decal> 0 <etc> 2709
    rl:0, [of:70000000, of2:0, pf:0, pf2:0], [rnv:83894272, rni:0], [ev:0]
    p 0 0 0
    dynvb : 888, 4096 - 0, 0
    thread[0] akpg@@#@&(z???? ???? ????
    -1 210040000 210040000 0 2588 2631 136

    eax=00000000 cs=0023 eip=76244cb0 eflgs=00010202
    ebx=0268acc8 ss=002b esp=38a2f9ac ebp=38a2f9bc
    ecx=38a2fa7c ds=002b esi=02689a18 fs=0053
    edx=00000002 es=002b edi=0268b1a0 gs=002b
    bytes at cs:eip:
    ff 50 20 5d c2 14 00 90 90 90 90 90 6a 0c 68 38
    stack dump:
    38a2f9ac: 00000000 00000000 38a2fa7c 0268b1a0 38a2f9d8 76244c93 00000000 00000000
    38a2f9cc: 00000000 38a2fa7c 0268b1a0 38a2fa08 76244dbb 0268acc8 00000000 38a2fa7c
    38a2f9ec: 0268b1a0 38a2fad4 02689a18 fffffffe 00000000 0000013c ffffffff 38a2fa4c
    38a2fa0c: 76244d26 02689a30 00000000 38a2fa7c 0268b1a0 20109b3d 38a2fad4 00000000
    38a2fa2c: fffffffe 02689a18 38a2fa20 38a2f3d4 38a2fa8c 76263912 6e962c49 fffffffe
    38a2fa4c: 38a2fa9c 7624a2cd 02689a18 00000000 38a2fa7c 0268b1a0 20109bed 0000003c
    38a2fa6c: 38a2fafc 38a2faf8 0000003c 38a2fafc 0000013c 0268b1a0 38a2fa64 38a2f3d4
    38a2fa8c: 38a2ff60 76263912 6e96c231 fffffffe 38a2fac8 7624a22b 02689a18 00000000
    38a2faac: 38a2fad4 38a2fafc 762674dc 0000013c 00000000 00000000 0000013c 38a2fd04
    38a2facc: 7625775a 02689a18 0000013c ecc6a294 762674dc 00000000 38a2fecc 38a2fedc
    38a2faec: 00000000 026899b0 ecc6a294 38a2fafc 0000003c ecc6a294 762674dc 00000000
    38a2fb0c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000002 762674b4 00000000 00000000
    38a2fb2c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 38a2fdf0 00000000 0044005c 00560045 00430049
    38a2fb4c: 005c0045 0045004e 00420054 005f0054 00430054 00490050 005f0050 0038007b
    38a2fb6c: 00360034 00450045 00340033 002d0032 00300037 00390033 0031002d 00440031
    38a2fb8c: 002d0045 00440039 00300032 0038002d 00360030 00360045 00360046 00360045
    38a2fbac: 00360039 007d0033 54530000 435c4d45 65727275 00000000 00000000 770aff66
    38a2fbcc: 76a80d93 38a2fc18 001f0003 38a2fc08 76a80dad 00000000 00000038 65746e49
    38a2fbec: 63616672 7b5c7365 770be38c 4e574898 770be046 05d901ac 05d90000 05d90000
    38a2fc0c: 00000000 00980014 000002b0 000002b0 38a2fc64 770be38c 4e57484c 006b0015
    38a2fc2c: 000002b0 000002b0 76a7c455 05990358 05990358 00000020 00000020 00000000
    38a2fc4c: 059b9318 05990048 05990168 059b0338 05990510 05990510 38a2fbf8 38a2fbfc
    38a2fc6c: 38a2fd88 771071d5 01fe66bc fffffffe 770be38c 770be0f2 770be046 00000020
    38a2fc8c: 00000000 00000000 4e5749fc 38a2fdf0 008301a4 00830000 00830000 80000000
    38a2fcac: 00000000 38a2fe1d 00000000 00000001 026607d0 38a2fd00 76243be3 76243beb
    38a2fccc: 20109c71 38a2fecc 38a2fedc 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 38a2fccc
    38a2fcec: 059b0478 38a2ff60 76263912 6e965d79 fffffffe 20109c75 38a2feb4 3149d3a1
    38a2fd0c: ecc6a294 ecc6a294 00000000 02020202 536e6957 206b636f 00302e32 ecc6a240
    38a2fd2c: 38a2fd44 663d28bc 059b0310 0000001e 059b0338 00000010 38a2fd5c 663d2978
    38a2fd4c: 059b0310 0000000f 059b0338 00000000 05d90000 059b0338 059b0310 0000000f
    38a2fd6c: 00930015 000002b1 00000000 059b0338 38a2fdb8 059affd8 00000001 00000000
    38a2fd8c: 059b0338 38a2fdb8 38a2fda8 00000000 0000524d 0000524d 15039aec 0000524d
    38a2fdac: 15039abb 000002b1 00000001 38a2fdf8 6645c77b 05d90000 00000000 6645c79a
    38a2fdcc: 2610a03a 00000000 ecc6a240 00000000 38a2fe10 38a2fdcc 663e5e4d 38a2fea8
    38a2fdec: 66463a10 38a2fe70 38a2fe0c 663d1e2b 38a2fe70 38a2fe0b 38a2fe6c 0000fe20
    38a2fe0c: 38a2fe20 663d1c10 00000000 38a2fe6c 6e755238 676e696e 663d1400 00000001
    38a2fe2c: 00000000 38a2fe6c 38a2feb4 663dfe74 2610a376 38a2fe50 38a2fe50 6ceb0000
    38a2fe4c: 00000000 0a7deda4 059b0000 09b643e2 0a7deda8 fff0bdc0 00000000 00000007
    38a2fe6c: f62b3d40 504d4300 4c4c442e 09b63500 f62b0000 00000000 0000000f 00000000
    38a2fe8c: 4fb027e0 479e6df8 00000002 38a2feb8 0000d025 38a20000 6ceb0000 38a2ff60
    38a2feac: 66478fd9 ffffffff 38a2ff38 3149d115 ecc6a294 4fb027e0 71e5286e 4fb027e0
    38a2fecc: 09341530 00000000 00000000 00000000 31dca7cc 6ceb0000 00000000 4fb027e0
    38a2feec: 38a2ff38 71e54c01 08a80000 00300030 0032002d 002d0035 00320032 0042002d
    38a2ff0c: 002d0033 00440041 0032002d 00000041 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
    38a2ff2c: 00000000 00000000 00000000 38a2ff70 71e52848 00000000 2457b23e 4fb027e0
    38a2ff4c: 71e5286e 4fb027e0 c0000005 38a2ff44 38a2f3ec 38a2ffb0 71e58ced 6d1806d6
    38a2ff6c: 00000000 38a2ff80 71e528c8 75af33aa 4fb027e0 38a2ffc0 770c9ef2 4fb027e0
    38a2ff8c: 4e574b24 4fb027e0 71e5286e 4fb027e0 c0000005 75b17717 75b17717 38a2ff8c
    38a2ffac: 38a2f3f8 ffffffff 771071d5 01fe71d4 00000000 38a2ffd8 770c9ec5 71e5286e
    38a2ffcc: 4fb027e0 74a22e09 74a22e09 00000000 6cef2141 71e5286e 4fb027e0 00000000
    38a2ffec: 00000000 00000000 71e5286e 4fb027e0 00000000

    intel call stack information
    76244cb0 38a2f9bc 0001:00003cb0 c:\windows\syswow64\ws2_32.dll
    bytes at cs:eip: ff 50 20 5d c2 14 00 90 90 90 90 90 6a 0c 68 38

    76244c93 38a2f9d8 0001:00003c93 c:\windows\syswow64\ws2_32.dll
    bytes at cs:eip: 5d c2 10 00 90 90 90 90 90 8b ff 55 8b ec ff 75

    76244dbb 38a2fa08 0001:00003dbb c:\windows\syswow64\ws2_32.dll
    bytes at cs:eip: 89 45 fc 85 c0 0f 84 a5 00 00 00 ff 15 18 11 24

    76244d26 38a2fa4c 0001:00003d26 c:\windows\syswow64\ws2_32.dll
    bytes at cs:eip: 8b f8 56 e8 ea fe ff ff 8b c7 e8 8b c6 ff ff c2

    7624a2cd 38a2fa9c 0001:000092cd c:\windows\syswow64\ws2_32.dll
    bytes at cs:eip: 8b f0 33 c0 40 89 45 fc 83 7d e4 00 0f 84 7e 80

    7624a22b 38a2fac8 0001:0000922b c:\windows\syswow64\ws2_32.dll
    bytes at cs:eip: 8b f8 85 ff 0f 85 c4 73 00 00 8b 4e 38 89 4d f8

    7625775a 38a2fd04 0001:0001675a c:\windows\syswow64\ws2_32.dll
    bytes at cs:eip: 3b c3 75 22 8b 85 f0 fd ff ff 3b c3 74 04 38 18

    3149d3a1 38a2feb4 0001:001cc3a1 c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\game.dll
    bytes at cs:eip: 85 c0 89 46 18 75 06 90 e8 ff 63 da 44 8b 56 18

    3149d115 38a2ff38 0001:001cc115 c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\game.dll
    bytes at cs:eip: 8b d7 52 b8 f0 59 39 32 e8 9e 54 ff ff 8b 44 24

    71e52848 38a2ff70 0001:00001848 c:\windows\winsxs\x86_microsoft.vc80.crt_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.6195_none_d09154e044272b9a\msvcr80.dll
    bytes at cs:eip: 59 e9 af ff ff ff 8b 45 ec 8b 08 8b 09 89 4d e4

    71e528c8 38a2ff80 0001:000018c8 c:\windows\winsxs\x86_microsoft.vc80.crt_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.6195_none_d09154e044272b9a\msvcr80.dll
    bytes at cs:eip: cc 55 8b ec 51 53 57 8b 7d 08 33 db 3b fb 89 5d

    770c9ef2 38a2ffc0 0001:00029ef2 c:\windows\syswow64\ntdll.dll
    bytes at cs:eip: c7 45 fc fe ff ff ff e8 0b 40 ff ff c2 08 00 90

    770c9ec5 38a2ffd8 0001:00029ec5 c:\windows\syswow64\ntdll.dll
    bytes at cs:eip: cc 90 90 90 90 90 6a 14 68 30 c5 0b 77 e8 ed 3f

    module list: names, addresses, sizes, time stamps and file times:
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\aion.bin.exe, loaded at 0x00400000 - 2948760 bytes - 51652928 - file date is 4/24/2013 08:08:38
    c:\windows\system32\networkdlllsp.dll, loaded at 0x031f0000 - 315320 bytes - 2a425e19 - file date is 6/10/2012 18:21:30
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\dbghelp.dll, loaded at 0x046a0000 - 986112 bytes - 41e5794f - file date is 5/30/2011 20:50:30
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\cryinput.dll, loaded at 0x05330000 - 22528 bytes - 51652401 - file date is 4/23/2013 20:59:16
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\crysoundsystem.dll, loaded at 0x05360000 - 282624 bytes - 5165245e - file date is 4/23/2013 20:59:18
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\fmodex.dll, loaded at 0x053c0000 - 1101824 bytes - 4f5d9f02 - file date is 10/9/2012 23:14:50
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\crysystem.dll, loaded at 0x09b10000 - 5877960 bytes - 5165254e - file date is 4/23/2013 20:59:30
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\aegisty.bin, loaded at 0x10000000 - 1550184 bytes - 5008bef7 - file date is 12/18/2012 18:57:48
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\cryphysics.dll, loaded at 0x2c480000 - 1581056 bytes - 5165244e - file date is 4/23/2013 20:59:16
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\crymovie.dll, loaded at 0x2c7e0000 - 712704 bytes - 51652417 - file date is 4/23/2013 20:59:16
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\xrenderd3d9.dll, loaded at 0x2c890000 - 3166208 bytes - 51652597 - file date is 4/23/2013 20:59:52
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\ijl15.dll, loaded at 0x2d450000 - 372736 bytes - 482ac4cd - file date is 5/30/2011 20:51:20
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\compressati.dll, loaded at 0x2d4b0000 - 61440 bytes - 4124d1fb - file date is 5/30/2011 20:49:32
    c:\program files (x86)\nvidia corporation\3d vision\nvscpapi.dll, loaded at 0x2e9d0000 - 1028648 bytes - 50f95366 - file date is 1/18/2013 08:16:52
    c:\program files (x86)\nvidia corporation\3d vision\nvstereoapii.dll, loaded at 0x2ec20000 - 354528 bytes - 50f95370 - file date is 1/18/2013 08:16:52
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\beecrypt.dll, loaded at 0x2eca0000 - 188416 bytes - 414fb876 - file date is 5/30/2011 20:49:26
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\cryfont.dll, loaded at 0x2fc60000 - 487424 bytes - 516523ff - file date is 4/23/2013 20:59:16
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\cryentitysystem.dll, loaded at 0x2fce0000 - 503808 bytes - 516523f1 - file date is 4/23/2013 20:59:16
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\cryanimation.dll, loaded at 0x2fd70000 - 1490944 bytes - 51652494 - file date is 4/23/2013 20:59:16
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\cry3dengine.dll, loaded at 0x301b0000 - 1892352 bytes - 516523e1 - file date is 4/23/2013 20:59:16
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\binkw32.dll, loaded at 0x30e40000 - 171008 bytes - 4896a17b - file date is 5/30/2011 20:49:32
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\game.dll, loaded at 0x312d0000 - 24658120 bytes - 5165371f - file date is 4/23/2013 20:59:46
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\libeay32.dll, loaded at 0x32a60000 - 1269760 bytes - 48043a13 - file date is 5/30/2011 20:52:02
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\awesomium.dll, loaded at 0x32d50000 - 21435904 bytes - 4ecdb6e9 - file date is 3/13/2012 21:23:10
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\scriptdll.dll, loaded at 0x404d0000 - 17141760 bytes - 513935ef - file date is 4/23/2013 20:59:50
    c:\windows\system32\d3dx9_31.dll, loaded at 0x4c340000 - 2414360 bytes - 451c48f1 - file date is 9/28/2006 16:05:20
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\icudt42.dll, loaded at 0x4e200000 - 10941440 bytes - 4b186276 - file date is 3/13/2012 21:23:10
    c:\windows\system32\d3dx9_38.dll, loaded at 0x65bb0000 - 3850760 bytes - 4833557d - file date is 5/30/2008 14:11:46
    c:\windows\system32\dsound.dll, loaded at 0x66350000 - 453632 bytes - 4a5bd9fd - file date is 7/14/2009 12:15:14
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\frost\gameshielddll.dll, loaded at 0x663d0000 - 1711424 bytes - 510b836e - file date is 2/12/2013 19:59:04
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\frost\frostupdater.dll, loaded at 0x66770000 - 1224512 bytes - 50f57aac - file date is 1/16/2013 22:17:00
    c:\windows\system32\nvapi.dll, loaded at 0x67360000 - 2505144 bytes - 50f947df - file date is 2/26/2013 00:32:44
    c:\windows\system32\wbem\fastprox.dll, loaded at 0x6c780000 - 606208 bytes - 4ce7b809 - file date is 11/21/2010 14:24:26
    c:\windows\syswow64\d3d10.dll, loaded at 0x6cc30000 - 1080832 bytes - 50f30f11 - file date is 1/14/2013 06:46:26
    c:\windows\system32\dinput8.dll, loaded at 0x6cdc0000 - 145408 bytes - 4a5bd9c1 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:15:12
    c:\windows\syswow64\d3d10_1core.dll, loaded at 0x6cdf0000 - 249856 bytes - 50f3145c - file date is 1/14/2013 07:09:02
    c:\windows\system32\midimap.dll, loaded at 0x6cea0000 - 16896 bytes - 4a5bda84 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:15:42
    c:\windows\system32\icmp.dll, loaded at 0x6ceb0000 - 3072 bytes - 4a5bd9fb - file date is 7/14/2009 12:05:48
    c:\windows\syswow64\d3d10_1.dll, loaded at 0x6cec0000 - 161792 bytes - 50f30f9f - file date is 1/14/2013 06:48:48
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\frost\frostcollector.dll, loaded at 0x6cef0000 - 1089344 bytes - 50ff9fae - file date is 2/12/2013 19:58:44
    c:\windows\system32\wdmaud.drv, loaded at 0x6da90000 - 172032 bytes - 4ce7ba26 - file date is 11/21/2010 14:24:02
    c:\windows\syswow64\d3d10core.dll, loaded at 0x6dac0000 - 220160 bytes - 50f3144b - file date is 1/14/2013 07:08:44
    c:\windows\system32\winbrand.dll, loaded at 0x6dcb0000 - 12800 bytes - 4a5bdb39 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:16:20
    c:\windows\system32\ntdsapi.dll, loaded at 0x6dcc0000 - 90112 bytes - 4a5bdade - file date is 7/14/2009 12:16:12
    c:\windows\system32\wbemcomn.dll, loaded at 0x6dd10000 - 363008 bytes - 4ce7ba25 - file date is 11/21/2010 14:24:10
    c:\windows\system32\wbem\wbemprox.dll, loaded at 0x6ddb0000 - 29184 bytes - 4a5bdb2f - file date is 7/14/2009 12:16:18
    c:\windows\system32\ksuser.dll, loaded at 0x6de20000 - 4608 bytes - 4a5bdab3 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:15:36
    c:\windows\system32\nvd3dum.dll, loaded at 0x6df30000 - 15129960 bytes - 50f946b6 - file date is 2/26/2013 00:32:42
    c:\windows\system32\rtutils.dll, loaded at 0x6ee70000 - 37376 bytes - 4ce7b9ac - file date is 11/21/2010 14:24:02
    c:\windows\system32\audioses.dll, loaded at 0x6ef60000 - 195584 bytes - 4ce7b725 - file date is 11/21/2010 14:23:56
    c:\windows\syswow64\dxdiagn.dll, loaded at 0x6efa0000 - 210432 bytes - 4ce7b818 - file date is 11/21/2010 14:24:24
    c:\windows\system32\msacm32.drv, loaded at 0x6f460000 - 20992 bytes - 4a5bda4f - file date is 7/14/2009 12:14:10
    c:\windows\system32\wbem\wbemsvc.dll, loaded at 0x6f480000 - 47616 bytes - 4a5bdb30 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:16:18
    c:\windows\system32\dhcpcsvc6.dll, loaded at 0x6f830000 - 44032 bytes - 50745f7c - file date is 10/10/2012 04:40:32
    c:\windows\system32\mmdevapi.dll, loaded at 0x6ff50000 - 213504 bytes - 4ce7b892 - file date is 11/21/2010 14:23:52
    c:\windows\syswow64\dxgi.dll, loaded at 0x70000000 - 293376 bytes - 50f3170f - file date is 1/14/2013 07:20:32
    c:\windows\syswow64\d3d11.dll, loaded at 0x70050000 - 1504768 bytes - 50f31443 - file date is 1/14/2013 07:08:36
    c:\windows\winsxs\x86_microsoft.windows.gdiplus_6595b64144ccf1df_1.1.7601.17825_none_72d273598668a06b\gdiplus.dll, loaded at 0x70430000 - 1625088 bytes - 4f9235ab - file date is 4/21/2012 15:21:02
    c:\windows\system32\propsys.dll, loaded at 0x706d0000 - 988160 bytes - 4ce7b983 - file date is 11/21/2010 14:24:10
    c:\windows\syswow64\powrprof.dll, loaded at 0x70870000 - 145408 bytes - 4a5bdb0c - file date is 7/14/2009 12:16:14
    c:\windows\system32\napinsp.dll, loaded at 0x708a0000 - 52224 bytes - 4a5bda6d - file date is 7/14/2009 12:16:04
    c:\windows\system32\nlaapi.dll, loaded at 0x708b0000 - 52224 bytes - 4f0fd6da - file date is 1/13/2012 18:12:04
    c:\windows\system32\avrt.dll, loaded at 0x708c0000 - 14336 bytes - 4a5bd998 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:15:00
    c:\windows\system32\sfc_os.dll, loaded at 0x70b20000 - 40960 bytes - 4a5bdb02 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:16:16
    c:\windows\system32\sfc.dll, loaded at 0x70b30000 - 2560 bytes - 4a5bdb01 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:10:24
    c:\windows\system32\msacm32.dll, loaded at 0x70b40000 - 72192 bytes - 4a5bda4e - file date is 7/14/2009 12:15:44
    c:\windows\system32\winrnr.dll, loaded at 0x70bd0000 - 20992 bytes - 4a5bdb44 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:16:20
    c:\windows\system32\pnrpnsp.dll, loaded at 0x70be0000 - 65024 bytes - 4a5bdaf6 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:16:14
    c:\windows\system32\d3d8thk.dll, loaded at 0x70c00000 - 11264 bytes - 4a5bd9a8 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:15:10
    c:\windows\system32\glu32.dll, loaded at 0x70c20000 - 130048 bytes - 4a5bd9df - file date is 7/14/2009 12:15:24
    c:\windows\system32\dwmapi.dll, loaded at 0x70c50000 - 67072 bytes - 4a5bda07 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:15:14
    c:\windows\system32\dciman32.dll, loaded at 0x70c70000 - 10240 bytes - 4a5bd9b4 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:15:10
    c:\windows\system32\ddraw.dll, loaded at 0x70cf0000 - 531968 bytes - 4a5bd9b8 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:15:12
    c:\windows\system32\opengl32.dll, loaded at 0x70de0000 - 791552 bytes - 4a5bdadb - file date is 7/14/2009 12:16:14
    c:\windows\system32\uxtheme.dll, loaded at 0x70eb0000 - 245760 bytes - 4a5bdb3c - file date is 7/14/2009 12:11:26
    c:\windows\system32\credssp.dll, loaded at 0x712d0000 - 17408 bytes - 4ce7b83d - file date is 11/21/2010 14:24:34
    c:\windows\winsxs\x86_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_5.82.7601.17514_none_ec83dffa859149af\comctl32.dll, loaded at 0x71600000 - 530432 bytes - 4ce7b82c - file date is 11/21/2010 14:24:10
    c:\windows\system32\secur32.dll, loaded at 0x71c10000 - 22016 bytes - 4fc99764 - file date is 6/2/2012 15:40:44
    c:\windows\system32\winmm.dll, loaded at 0x71d80000 - 194048 bytes - 4ce7ba42 - file date is 11/21/2010 14:24:18
    c:\windows\system32\wsock32.dll, loaded at 0x71df0000 - 15360 bytes - 4a5bdb63 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:16:22
    c:\windows\system32\fwpuclnt.dll, loaded at 0x71e10000 - 216576 bytes - 4ce7b832 - file date is 11/21/2010 14:24:10
    c:\windows\winsxs\x86_microsoft.vc80.crt_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.6195_none_d09154e044272b9a\msvcr80.dll, loaded at 0x71e50000 - 632656 bytes - 4dcddbf3 - file date is 1/3/2012 18:21:58
    c:\windows\winsxs\x86_microsoft.vc80.crt_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.6195_none_d09154e044272b9a\msvcp80.dll, loaded at 0x71ef0000 - 554832 bytes - 4dcddc6c - file date is 1/3/2012 18:21:58
    c:\windows\system32\dnsapi.dll, loaded at 0x71f80000 - 270336 bytes - 4d6f2733 - file date is 3/3/2011 16:38:02
    c:\windows\system32\wshtcpip.dll, loaded at 0x71fd0000 - 9216 bytes - 4a5bdb5a - file date is 7/14/2009 12:16:22
    c:\windows\system32\rasadhlp.dll, loaded at 0x720b0000 - 11776 bytes - 4a5bdad6 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:16:14
    c:\program files (x86)\bonjour\mdnsnsp.dll, loaded at 0x720c0000 - 121704 bytes - 4e5dca4c - file date is 8/30/2011 23:05:02
    c:\windows\system32\wship6.dll, loaded at 0x720f0000 - 10752 bytes - 4a5bdb56 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:16:22
    c:\windows\system32\rsaenh.dll, loaded at 0x72100000 - 242936 bytes - 4a5bdae0 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:17:56
    c:\windows\system32\cryptsp.dll, loaded at 0x72140000 - 78848 bytes - 4a5bda3d - file date is 7/14/2009 12:15:08
    c:\windows\system32\dhcpcsvc.dll, loaded at 0x72160000 - 61952 bytes - 4a5bd9b5 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:15:12
    c:\windows\system32\mswsock.dll, loaded at 0x72180000 - 232448 bytes - 4ce7b8e8 - file date is 11/21/2010 14:24:10
    c:\windows\system32\profapi.dll, loaded at 0x721d0000 - 31744 bytes - 4a5bbf41 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:16:14
    c:\windows\system32\userenv.dll, loaded at 0x721e0000 - 81920 bytes - 4ce7ba28 - file date is 11/21/2010 14:24:18
    c:\windows\system32\winnsi.dll, loaded at 0x725a0000 - 16896 bytes - 4a5bdb43 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:16:20
    c:\windows\system32\iphlpapi.dll, loaded at 0x725b0000 - 103936 bytes - 4ce7b859 - file date is 11/21/2010 14:24:34
    c:\windows\system32\d3d9.dll, loaded at 0x72ab0000 - 1828352 bytes - 4ce7b7b3 - file date is 11/21/2010 14:24:24
    c:\windows\system32\riched20.dll, loaded at 0x73a80000 - 473600 bytes - 4ce7b9c0 - file date is 11/21/2010 14:24:30
    c:\windows\system32\rpcrtremote.dll, loaded at 0x73b50000 - 46080 bytes - 4ce7992f - file date is 11/21/2010 14:24:16
    c:\windows\system32\oleacc.dll, loaded at 0x73bf0000 - 233472 bytes - 4e587028 - file date is 8/27/2011 15:26:28
    c:\windows\system32\hid.dll, loaded at 0x73c30000 - 22016 bytes - 4a5bd9ec - file date is 7/14/2009 12:15:26
    c:\progra~3\vksaver\vksaver3.dll, loaded at 0x74990000 - 60928 bytes - 510db18f - file date is 2/3/2013 17:14:24
    c:\windows\system32\version.dll, loaded at 0x74a10000 - 21504 bytes - 4a5bdb2b - file date is 7/14/2009 12:16:18
    c:\windows\syswow64\cryptbase.dll, loaded at 0x74ae0000 - 36864 bytes - 4a5bbf41 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:15:08
    c:\windows\syswow64\sspicli.dll, loaded at 0x74af0000 - 96768 bytes - 4fc997c1 - file date is 6/2/2012 15:34:10
    c:\windows\syswow64\imagehlp.dll, loaded at 0x74b50000 - 159232 bytes - 4f4f07d3 - file date is 3/1/2012 16:33:24
    c:\windows\syswow64\rpcrt4.dll, loaded at 0x74b80000 - 663040 bytes - 4ce7ba59 - file date is 11/21/2010 14:24:12
    c:\windows\syswow64\shell32.dll, loaded at 0x74c70000 - 12873728 bytes - 4fd2d1d9 - file date is 6/9/2012 15:41:02
    c:\windows\syswow64\api-ms-win-downlevel-shlwapi-l1-1-0.dll, loaded at 0x759e0000 - 9728 bytes - 50f3244f - file date is 1/14/2013 08:17:04
    c:\windows\syswow64\advapi32.dll, loaded at 0x759f0000 - 640512 bytes - 4ce7b706 - file date is 11/21/2010 14:24:30
    c:\windows\syswow64\devobj.dll, loaded at 0x75a90000 - 64512 bytes - 4ddb887d - file date is 5/24/2011 21:40:06
    c:\windows\syswow64\wintrust.dll, loaded at 0x75ab0000 - 172544 bytes - 5037b19b - file date is 8/25/2012 03:57:50
    c:\windows\syswow64\kernel32.dll, loaded at 0x75ae0000 - 1114112 bytes - 50b83c89 - file date is 11/30/2012 15:54:00
    c:\windows\syswow64\shlwapi.dll, loaded at 0x75bf0000 - 350208 bytes - 4ce7b9e2 - file date is 11/21/2010 14:23:50
    c:\windows\syswow64\cfgmgr32.dll, loaded at 0x75c50000 - 145920 bytes - 4ddb8851 - file date is 5/24/2011 21:39:40
    c:\windows\syswow64\msctf.dll, loaded at 0x75c80000 - 828928 bytes - 4a5bda69 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:15:44
    c:\windows\syswow64\ole32.dll, loaded at 0x75d50000 - 1414144 bytes - 4ce7b96f - file date is 11/21/2010 14:24:02
    c:\windows\syswow64\usp10.dll, loaded at 0x75eb0000 - 626688 bytes - 50adaddf - file date is 11/22/2012 15:45:04
    c:\windows\syswow64\user32.dll, loaded at 0x75f50000 - 833024 bytes - 4ce7ba59 - file date is 11/21/2010 14:24:22
    c:\windows\syswow64\psapi.dll, loaded at 0x76050000 - 6144 bytes - 4a5bdace - file date is 7/14/2009 12:16:14
    c:\windows\syswow64\msvcrt.dll, loaded at 0x76060000 - 690688 bytes - 4eeaf722 - file date is 12/16/2011 18:53:00
    c:\windows\syswow64\crypt32.dll, loaded at 0x76110000 - 1159680 bytes - 4fc99664 - file date is 6/2/2012 15:36:30
    c:\windows\syswow64\api-ms-win-downlevel-version-l1-1-0.dll, loaded at 0x76230000 - 3072 bytes - 50f322eb - file date is 1/14/2013 08:11:08
    c:\windows\syswow64\ws2_32.dll, loaded at 0x76240000 - 206848 bytes - 4ce7ba68 - file date is 11/21/2010 14:23:56
    c:\windows\syswow64\sechost.dll, loaded at 0x76280000 - 92160 bytes - 4a5bdb04 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:16:14
    c:\windows\syswow64\oleaut32.dll, loaded at 0x762a0000 - 571904 bytes - 4e58702a - file date is 8/27/2011 15:26:28
    c:\windows\syswow64\normaliz.dll, loaded at 0x76330000 - 2048 bytes - 4a5bdad4 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:09:02
    c:\windows\syswow64\lpk.dll, loaded at 0x76350000 - 25600 bytes - 4a5bdb3b - file date is 7/14/2009 12:11:24
    c:\windows\syswow64\imm32.dll, loaded at 0x76360000 - 119808 bytes - 4ce7ba53 - file date is 11/21/2010 14:24:26
    c:\windows\syswow64\wininet.dll, loaded at 0x763c0000 - 1766912 bytes - 5125f214 - file date is 2/21/2013 21:30:18
    c:\windows\syswow64\nsi.dll, loaded at 0x76580000 - 8704 bytes - 4a5bdad9 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:16:12
    c:\windows\syswow64\api-ms-win-downlevel-advapi32-l1-1-0.dll, loaded at 0x76590000 - 10752 bytes - 50f3243a - file date is 1/14/2013 08:16:44
    c:\windows\syswow64\clbcatq.dll, loaded at 0x765a0000 - 522240 bytes - 4a5bd9b1 - file date is 7/14/2009 12:15:04
    c:\windows\syswow64\api-ms-win-downlevel-user32-l1-1-0.dll, loaded at 0x76630000 - 4096 bytes - 50f322f9 - file date is 1/14/2013 08:11:22
    c:\windows\syswow64\setupapi.dll, loaded at 0x76640000 - 1667584 bytes - 4ce7b9d9 - file date is 11/21/2010 14:23:52
    c:\windows\syswow64\iertutil.dll, loaded at 0x767e0000 - 2046464 bytes - 5125f157 - file date is 2/21/2013 21:29:38
    c:\windows\syswow64\gdi32.dll, loaded at 0x769e0000 - 311296 bytes - 4ce7ba53 - file date is 11/21/2010 14:24:16
    c:\windows\syswow64\kernelbase.dll, loaded at 0x76a70000 - 274944 bytes - 50b83c8a - file date is 11/30/2012 15:54:00
    c:\windows\syswow64\msasn1.dll, loaded at 0x76ac0000 - 34304 bytes - 4ce7b8c9 - file date is 11/21/2010 14:23:50
    c:\windows\syswow64\api-ms-win-downlevel-normaliz-l1-1-0.dll, loaded at 0x77060000 - 2560 bytes - 50f3244e - file date is 1/14/2013 08:17:04
    c:\windows\syswow64\ntdll.dll, loaded at 0x77090000 - 1292080 bytes - 4ec49b8f - file date is 11/17/2011 16:38:40
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\msvcr71.dll, loaded at 0x7c340000 - 348160 bytes - 3e561eac - file date is 5/30/2011 20:52:28
    c:\program files\айон\4game\aion\bin32\atl80.dll, loaded at 0x7c630000 - 95744 bytes - 4333a549 - file date is 5/30/2011 20:49:26
  4. Ari0nhh

    Ari0nhh User

    падает в недрах winsock, это win32 библиотека, отвечающая за предоставление доступа приложениям к сетевому api.
    судя по дампу модулей, первейшим претендентом на звание виновника торжества является:
    эта библиотека входит в состав софта данной конторы: http://www.networktunnel.net/
  5. Chausie

    Chausie User

    за ответ спасибо, уже помогли понять, что тут вообще написано=)
    я так поняла, это из-за вовпинга. я его тестирую уже вторую неделю, но именно в 4.0 только сегодня начала. и начались вылеты при переходе с сервера на сервер + клиент резко закрывается в рандомный момент.
    версия стоит последняя, в ней даже написано, что профиль айон изменен под 4.0...

    эту проблему как-то можно поправить?=<
    Последнее редактирование модератором: 26 апр 2013
  6. Ari0nhh

    Ari0nhh User

    для начала проверьте, возникает ли проблема без wowping. если источник всех бед именно в нем (а это скорее всего так), напишите о проблеме на форуме разработчика wowping. насколько реально автор программы может это поправить (и является ли это именно ошибкой wowping) - вопрос сложный, я не возьмусь на него ответить.
    Последнее редактирование модератором: 26 апр 2013
  7. Chausie

    Chausie User

    судя по всему, проблема в нем=с играла без программы, ничего не вылетает, все отлично переходит туда-сюда. вот тебе и 4.0 с терпимым пингом=(
    спасибо за ответы. попробую на форуме по ссылке написать, может чем помогут....