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Aoin.bin - Ошибка приложения

Тема в разделе "Архив", создана пользователем Armirana, 3 окт 2015.

Статус темы:
  1. Armirana

    Armirana User

    Все было хорошо,пока не поставили обновление в котором пофиксили Кощея!
    Теперь вылетает ошибка во время загрузки игры после выбора персонажа,почитал форумы использовал все способы кроме переустановки винды,сегодня снес винду поставил чистую W8.1.
    Нечего кроме айона не ставил. Но все ровно продолжается!
    "Инструкция по адрессу "0x07c86620" обратилась к памяти по адресу "0x00000000".Память не может быть "written"
    User Name : QW1pa28=
    Version of Editor.exe(32Bit_Client) :
    Version of CrySystem.dll(32Bit_Client) : 4915.715.930.9621
    Engine : Cry_Client
    GameState : 14
    LoadSlot State:0, Num:50
    Entity Count(char/user) : 0/0
    NCode : -10800
    Crash Info : levels\common\light\natural\trees\greens\na_l_rooftreevege_01a.cgf
    [(4984 :MultiThread) 2015/10/03 15:50:47]: =======================
    an Access Violation in module CrySystem.dll at 0023:08316620.
    exception handler called in the AION Server.
    start at 2015/10/3 15:48:52
    Error occurred at 10/3/2015 15:50:48.
    2 processor(s), type 586.
    4096 MBytes physical memory.
    51 percent of memory is in use.
    memory history :
    virtual addr history :
    available mem to commit :
    Free Memory [PM: 2037528, VM: 2566312, AP: 1514056] KBytes
    ClientLaunchedCount : 1
    Write to location 00000000 caused an access violation.
    Total Allocated Memory: 192271 KB, (CRT+PAGES) 557846 KB
    CRT Allocated Memory: 47638 KB
    Cache Allocated Memory: 144632 KB
    Pages Allocated Memory: 510208 KB (Free:353408 KB / Wasted:12167 KB)
    Free mem dist: 0(1K) 22(10K) 376(100K) 41(1M) 24(10M) 6(100M) 0(200M) 0(300M) 1(500M) 0(1G) tick:63
    [OS] Windows 8.1 Ïðîôåññèîíàëüíàÿ 64-bit (6.2, Build 9200) (9600.winblue_r4.141028-1500)
    [DirectX] DirectX 11
    [Processor] AMD Athlon(tm) II X2 270 Processor (2 CPUs), ~3.4GHz
    [Display0Vender] NVIDIA GeForce GT 440
    [Display0Memory] 3021
    [Display0driver_info] nvd3dum.dll
    [Display0Shader] vs:(3.0) ps:(3.0)
    [Sound0Desc] Äèíàìèêè (Envy24 Family Audio Controller WDM)
    [Sound0HardwareID] PCI\VEN_1412&DEV_1724&SUBSYS_24031412&REV_01
    [Sound1Desc] Öèôðîâîå àóäèî (S/PDIF) (Envy24 Family Audio Controller WDM)
    [Sound1HardwareID] PCI\VEN_1412&DEV_1724&SUBSYS_24031412&REV_01
    [E1]<pak_cache> 7
    [E2]<brush> 44 <vege> 0 <stat> 61 <char> 8 <Anim> 7 / 8
    [E3]<entContext> 5 / 1597 <sound> 12 (5)
    [E4]<envColor> 0 <LM> 3
    [E5]<prtRes> 0 <prtEff> 0 <fxcEff> 0 <decal> 0 <etc> 0
    RL:0, [OF:70000000, OF2:0, PF:0, PF2:0], [RNV:0, RNI:0], [EV:0]
    P 0 0 0
    DynVB : 3728, 4096 - 0, 0
    D2DImage: textures/ui/v5_common
    : 4 574 15 15, 4434, 72 69 74 67, 0, 100
    Thread[0] akpj&aa$(a???? ???? ????
    1793 110010000 110010000 4294967295 4294967295 9 0 0 0
    EAX=0000000d CS=0023 EIP=08316620 EFLGS=00010212
    EBX=6417623b SS=002b ESP=2b14f640 EBP=2b14f640
    ECX=ffffffff DS=002b ESI=ee3c4800 FS=0053
    EDX=eb1da000 ES=002b EDI=eda35684 GS=002b
    Bytes at CS:EIP:
    a3 00 00 00 00 5d c3 cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc
    Stack dump:
    2B14F640: 2B14F65C 0831766B 0000000D 641C1BD8 EB3C74E0 000155E8 EE3C4800 2B14F674
    2B14F660: 08317D2F 0000000D 00000003 00000004 27625630 2B14F694 08317F12 27625630
    2B14F680: 00000001 000155E8 00000004 00000004 000155E8 2B14F6B8 2B93D7A0 27625630
    2B14F6A0: 00000001 000155E8 00000004 2B14FA57 2B14FA0C 00000004 2B14F7F0 2B93D8EB
    2B14F6C0: 00000004 2B14F6DC 00000001 2B14F6DC 2B14FA57 2BA3DB31 2B14FA0C 6576656C
    2B14F6E0: 632F736C 6F6D6D6F 696C2F6E 2F746867 75727473 72757463 622F7365 646C6975
    2B14F700: 73676E69 7469632F 75622F79 735F6C5F 74636E61 61776D75 305F6C6C 305F6333
    2B14F720: 642E3530 2B007364 64134C39 088F0000 00000000 64134C58 3FB66CF0 49CAC030
    2B14F740: F27E8514 35A2C768 64180475 35A2C768 49CAC030 00002A80 00000000 2B14F78C
    2B14F760: 64147476 27650180 27678180 00002A80 64134C58 00000038 2767AC00 27652C00
    2B14F780: 00000080 EB429C80 00000080 2B14F7DC 2B14F7DC 2B934A29 00000080 00000080
    2B14F7A0: 00000000 EB429C80 F27E8480 00000000 00000008 00000040 00028000 00000002
    2B14F7C0: 00000080 00000008 2232E4A0 00000002 0000000A 00000200 00000200 2B14FEBC
    2B14F7E0: E55ADE00 C2C9BE41 83D49335 3E41D7A4 2B14FEBC 2B935E05 2B14FA0C 00000001
    2B14F800: 00000000 F27DD044 2242C4A0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000002 00000000
    2B14F820: 00000000 00000000 C0F2A054 00000000 00000000 00000000 4002D4A0 00000000
    2B14F840: 00000000 00000000 00000006 00000000 00000000 00000000 2B14FA2C 00000000
    2B14F860: 00000000 00000000 41A8DCAC 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000002 00000000
    2B14F880: 00000000 00000000 BFFAE2EE 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
    2B14F8A0: 00000000 00000000 20000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 5F147B40 00000000
    2B14F8C0: 00000000 00000000 C3883603 00000000 00000000 00000000 F069CC9F 00000000
    2B14F8E0: 00000000 00000000 2CE63C98 00000000 00000000 00000000 1DC3421D 00000000
    2B14F900: 00000000 00000000 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000000 C0A00A0A 0000009C
    2B14F920: 411EDD00 411EDD11 00000000 41568D4D 416ED630 C1191B54 4395B311 C5248E0C
    2B14F940: C32D8239 C53B8BE9 419166A2 C1A508AF 43CC557B C0000000 3FBA02E2 C6F5FFD0
    2B14F960: 3FE0C899 5F147B40 BFEB3C22 29BDA541 3F982F03 C3883603 3FBA02E2 FDF423E2
    2B14F980: 3FA1EF14 F069CC9F BFEFD08C 4AE3BC6D 3FEB0CF9 2CE63C98 0000000E F2FE8300
    2B14F9A0: 0000000C F4B02008 2B14F9D4 2B54359C F2FE8300 F4B02008 0000000C 0000000E
    2B14F9C0: 0000000E 0000000D F2FE8300 F7380800 3FCD670F 9E9CB1D1 3FBC2F1D B5C1766A
    2B14F9E0: 40632DBD 7BBD89F8 409D1B03 426CB80A 40D61580 661EC621 407591A4 0358E0DE
    2B14FA00: 40BAA1FC B48B935C 410080EB 6576656C 632F736C 6F6D6D6F 696C2F6E 2F746867
    2B14FA20: 75727473 72757463 622F7365 646C6975 73676E69 7469632F 75622F79 735F6C5F
    2B14FA40: 74636E61 61776D75 305F6C6C 305F6333 642E3530 00007364 C03619E2 E0000000
    2B14FA60: 402847B6 07971A20 40626C33 3E839675 409BF4DF 829D3310 40D5364E 40000000
    2B14FA80: 4033D208 2B14FAB0 2B54359C 6EC06212 40BE6A74 954B0D4C 4102D6D7 E8000000
    2B14FAA0: 09EF1D30 08DFD780 2B14FAE8 2B14FAC0 084FD1D8 084FD288 084FD1C8 088A0DA1
    2B14FAC0: 09EF1D30 088A0E03 09EF1D30 08DFD780 2B14FAE8 2B14FAE8 084FD1D8 00010000
    2B14FAE0: 00010001 00010000 00000000 08366CB3 084FD288 08DFD780 F1E7A100 00000000
    2B14FB00: F1E7A100 F55EA320 F1E7A100 F55EA300 00000000 2B14FB24 2B9859ED 2C37A628
    2B14FB20: F55EA320 2B14FB44 2B9864B5 2C37A710 00000000 F1E7A100 00000000 00000000
    2B14FB40: 00000000 2B14FC58 2B90B3B7 301E6220 00000000 F1E7A100 09EF13D0 08DFD7E0
    2B14FB60: 2B14FBA0 2B14FB78 084FD1D8 084FD2E8 084FD1C8 088A0DA1 09EF13D0 088A0E03
    2B14FB80: 09EF13D0 08DFD7E0 2B14FBA0 2B14FBA0 084FD1D8 00010001 00010002 00010001
    2B14FBA0: EFF90000 084FD1D8 09EED1A8 084FD1D8 09EDF288 2B14FBF4 2B14FBCC 0000002C
    2B14FBC0: 084FD1D8 09EEB9E8 2B14FC08 2B14FBE0 000000A0 FFF0BDC0 084FD1D8 09EEB9E8
    2B14FBE0: 2B14FC08 08920278 08920265 084FD1D8 09EEB9E8 2B14FC28 2B14FC0C 000000A0
    2B14FC00: FFF0BDC0 09EEB9E8 FFF0BDC0 6576656C 632F736C 6F6D6D6F 696C2F6E 2F746867
    2B14FC20: 75727473 72757463 622F7365 646C6975 73676E69 7469632F 75622F79 735F6C5F
    2B14FC40: 74636E61 61776D75 305F6C6C 305F6333 00003530 EEAC3200 2B14FED4 2B14FED4
    2B14FC60: 3005F891 3005FA03 F1E7A100 F1E7A108 F1E7A108 00000003 00000420 2B14FD40
    2B14FC80: 00000000 00000000 2B14FE10 00000009 2B14FD50 00000000 00000009 00000000
    2B14FCA0: 00000002 F2DF2200 ED499CA0 2B14FE20 2B539954 00000003 00000003 2B14FE20
    2B14FCC0: 2B53995B 2B14FE20 2B5399DB 2B14FD20 2B14FCD8 ED499CA0 89CD9A16 3FEBA04C
    2B14FCE0: 4E42EE83 BFE025FC 2DBC1A25 BF74171F 92A5EFEE 3F67C35E CCB7D4C2 3F8E111A
    2B14FD00: 2906C7AD BFEFFF15 CF54DCF2 3FE0261C F57964E3 3FEB9F63 2FA98F48 3F8CF485
    2B14FD20: A0000000 BFE5ABC5 C0000000 3FC7B545 C0000000 BFC79D37 60000000 3FE60240
    2B14FD40: 1FE047DD 41A0C64F 00000000 09EEEE50 08DFDFE4 2B14FD94 2B14FD6C 084FD1D8
    2B14FD60: 084FD340 084FD1C8 088A0DA1 09EEEE50 088A0E03 09EEEE50 08DFDFE4 2B14FD94
    2B14FD80: 2B14FD94 084FD1D8 00010000 00010001 00010000 00000000 08366CB3 084FD340
    2B14FDA0: 08DFDFE4 084FD1D8 09ED6E08 2B14FDEC 2B14FDC4 00004924 FFF0BDC0 084FD1D8
    2B14FDC0: 09ED6E08 2B14FDEC 08920278 08920265 084FD1D8 09ED6E08 2B14FE0C 2B14FDF0
    2B14FDE0: 00004924 FFF0BDC0 09ED6E08 FFF0BDC0 08366E42 09ED6E08 FFF0BDC0 00000000
    2B14FE00: 00000000 084FD1D8 09ECCEA8 2B14FE4C 2B14FE24 00000008 FFF0BDC0 084FD1D8
    2B14FE20: 09ECCEA8 2B14FE4C 08920278 08920265 084FD1D8 09ECCEA8 2B14FE6C 2B14FE50
    2B14FE40: 00000008 FFF0BDC0 09ECCEA8 FFF0BDC0 08366E42 09ECCEA8 FFF0BDC0 00000000
    2B14FE60: 00000018 EDFC0D90 EDFC0D90 2B14FE98 08365FDC EDFB0000 00000323 00000322
    2B14FE80: 2B14FEC0 2B14FE98 224744CC 2BACE9F8 FFFFFE00 2BACE9F8 00000001 2232E4A0
    2B14FEA0: 00000000 2B14FEB0 00000001 2BACE9F8 00000000 00000000 00000000 2B14FEF4
    2B14FEC0: 2B9384B6 00000001 00000000 00000000 00008008 00000000 00000000 00001230
    2B14FEE0: F27DD040 00000000 00000000 F27DD044 00000000 2B14FF28 083C92F8 00000000
    2B14FF00: 641329E1 641329E1 088F7398 F27DD044 00000000 00000001 00000000 00000000
    2B14FF20: 00000002 00000005 2B14FF30 083CA55B 2B14FF68 641329BB 2242C4A0 3FB664E8
    2B14FF40: 641329E1 641329E1 088F7398 C0000005 2B14FF3C 2B14F1E4 2B14FFBC 64138CED
    2B14FF60: 70B9D038 00000000 2B14FF84 64132A47 641329E1 771F7C04 088F7398 771F7BE0
    2B14FF80: 3410014C 2B14FFCC 7788B90F 088F7398 34AD345B 00000000 00000000 088F7398
    2B14FFA0: C0000005 75BBF510 646F9FF8 2B14F1CC 34AD345B 2B14FF90 2B14F1CC 2B14FFD4
    2B14FFC0: 778CD6A0 683172B7 00000000 2B14FFDC 7788B8DA FFFFFFFF 77870701 2B14FFEC
    2B14FFE0: 646A39C7 641329E1 088F7398 00000000 00000000 641329E1 088F7398 00000000
    Call Stack Information
    08316620 2B14F640 0001:00005620 D:\Games\Aion\bin32\CrySystem.dll
    Params: 0000000D 641C1BD8 EB3C74E0 000155E8
    [CrySystem.dll] Bytes at CS:EIP: a3 00 00 00 00 5d c3 cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc
    0831766B 2B14F65C 0001:0000666B D:\Games\Aion\bin32\CrySystem.dll
    Params: 0000000D 00000003 00000004 27625630
    [CrySystem.dll] Bytes at CS:EIP: 83 c4 08 8b cf e8 7b c8 ff ff 8b 46 08 5f 5e 5b
    08317D2F 2B14F674 0001:00006D2F D:\Games\Aion\bin32\CrySystem.dll
    Params: 27625630 00000001 000155E8 00000004
    [CrySystem.dll] Bytes at CS:EIP: 85 c0 74 1f 8b 55 08 8b 0f 56 52 51 8b c8 e8 ae
    08317F12 2B14F694 0001:00006F12 D:\Games\Aion\bin32\CrySystem.dll
    Params: 27625630 00000001 000155E8 00000004
    [CrySystem.dll] Bytes at CS:EIP: 5e 5f 5d c2 10 00 8b 55 10 8b 45 0c 8b 4d 08 57
    2B93D7A0 2B14F6B8 PackageRenderConstructor+56ef0 0001:0014C7A0 D:\Games\Aion\bin32\XRenderD3D9.dll
    Params: 00000004 2B14F6DC 00000001 2B14F6DC
    [XRenderD3D9.dll] Bytes at CS:EIP: 8b 4d 10 8b 55 0c 51 52 57 53 e8 11 fc ff ff 8b
    2B93D8EB 2B14F7F0 PackageRenderConstructor+5703b 0001:0014C8EB D:\Games\Aion\bin32\XRenderD3D9.dll
    Params: 2B14FA0C 00000001 00000000 F27DD044
    [XRenderD3D9.dll] Bytes at CS:EIP: 8b f8 83 c4 10 85 ff 74 1b 8d 85 ec fe ff ff 8d
    2B935E05 2B14FEBC PackageRenderConstructor+4f555 0001:00144E05 D:\Games\Aion\bin32\XRenderD3D9.dll
    Params: 00000001 00000000 00000000 00008008
    [XRenderD3D9.dll] Bytes at CS:EIP: 8b 7d e8 8b f0 83 c4 08 85 f6 89 37 74 53 83 7d
    2B9384B6 2B14FEF4 PackageRenderConstructor+51c06 0001:001474B6 D:\Games\Aion\bin32\XRenderD3D9.dll
    Params: 00000000 641329E1 641329E1 088F7398
    [XRenderD3D9.dll] Bytes at CS:EIP: 5e 8b e5 5d c2 04 00 cc cc cc 55 8b ec 81 ec 1c
    083C92F8 2B14FF28 CryCalloc+62f18 0001:000B82F8 D:\Games\Aion\bin32\CrySystem.dll
    Params: 2B14FF68 641329BB 2242C4A0 3FB664E8
    [CrySystem.dll] Bytes at CS:EIP: 8b 16 8b 42 04 6a 00 8b ce ff d0 84 c0 75 6b 8b
    083CA55B 2B14FF30 CryCalloc+6417b 0001:000B955B D:\Games\Aion\bin32\CrySystem.dll
    Params: 2242C4A0 3FB664E8 641329E1 641329E1
    [CrySystem.dll] Bytes at CS:EIP: 33 c0 5d c2 04 00 cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc
    641329BB 2B14FF68 endthreadex+3b 0001:000019BB C:\Windows\WinSxS\x86_microsoft.vc80.crt_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.8428_none_d08a11e2442dc25d\MSVCR80.dll
    Params: 641329E1 771F7C04 088F7398 771F7BE0
    [MSVCR80.dll] Bytes at CS:EIP: 50 e8 bf ff ff ff 8b 45 ec 8b 08 8b 09 89 4d e4
    64132A47 2B14FF84 endthreadex+c7 0001:00001A47 C:\Windows\WinSxS\x86_microsoft.vc80.crt_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.8428_none_d08a11e2442dc25d\MSVCR80.dll
    Params: 088F7398 34AD345B 00000000 00000000
    [MSVCR80.dll] Bytes at CS:EIP: cc 55 8b ec 51 53 57 8b 7d 10 33 db 3b fb 89 5d
    7788B90F 2B14FFCC RtlInitializeExceptionChain+8f 0001:0005A90F C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
    Params: FFFFFFFF 77870701 2B14FFEC 646A39C7
    [ntdll.dll] Bytes at CS:EIP: c7 45 fc fe ff ff ff e8 5d cc fe ff c3 90 90 90
    7788B8DA 2B14FFDC RtlInitializeExceptionChain+5a 0001:0005A8DA C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
    Params: 641329E1 088F7398 00000000 00000000
    [ntdll.dll] Bytes at CS:EIP: cc 90 90 90 90 90 6a 1c 68 20 b9 88 77 e8 44 cc
    646A39C7 2B14FFEC 0001:000029C7 D:\Games\Aion\Frost\frostCollector.dll
    Params: 641329E1 088F7398 00000000 00000000
    [frostCollector.dll] Bytes at CS:EIP: 83 c4 08 5d c3 cc cc cc cc 55 8b ec 6a fe 68 d0

    Module list: names, addresses, sizes, time stamps and file times:
    D:\Games\Aion\bin32\aion.bin, loaded at 0x00400000 - 3046464 bytes - 560b8790 - file date is 10/3/2015 09:27:36
    D:\Games\Aion\bin32\dbghelp.dll, loaded at 0x04020000 - 986112 bytes - 41e5794f - file date is 10/2/2015 04:45:34
    D:\Games\Aion\bin32\beecrypt.dll, loaded at 0x045b0000 - 188416 bytes - 414fb876 - file date is 10/2/2015 04:45:28
    D:\Games\Aion\bin32\CrySystem.dll, loaded at 0x08310000 - 5213248 bytes - 560b85f5 - file date is 10/3/2015 09:27:46
    D:\Games\Aion\bin32\aegisty.bin, loaded at 0x10000000 - 2025344 bytes - 54c5b0d9 - file date is 10/2/2015 04:45:16
    D:\Games\Aion\bin32\CryPhysics.dll, loaded at 0x2b3d0000 - 1581056 bytes - 560b84f7 - file date is 10/3/2015 09:27:42
    D:\Games\Aion\bin32\CryMovie.dll, loaded at 0x2b730000 - 729088 bytes - 560b84c1 - file date is 10/3/2015 09:27:42
    D:\Games\Aion\bin32\XRenderD3D9.dll, loaded at 0x2b7f0000 - 3198976 bytes - 560b860f - file date is 10/3/2015 09:27:52
    D:\Games\Aion\bin32\CompressATI.dll, loaded at 0x2c3c0000 - 61440 bytes - 4124d1fb - file date is 10/2/2015 04:45:28
    D:\Games\Aion\bin32\CryInput.dll, loaded at 0x2c470000 - 22528 bytes - 560b84ad - file date is 10/3/2015 09:27:42
    D:\Games\Aion\bin32\CrySoundSystem.dll, loaded at 0x2e690000 - 282624 bytes - 560b8507 - file date is 10/3/2015 09:27:42
    D:\Games\Aion\bin32\fmodex.dll, loaded at 0x2f590000 - 1101824 bytes - 4f5d9f02 - file date is 10/2/2015 04:45:36
    D:\Games\Aion\bin32\CryFont.dll, loaded at 0x2fae0000 - 487424 bytes - 560b84ab - file date is 10/3/2015 09:27:42
    D:\Games\Aion\bin32\CryEntitySystem.dll, loaded at 0x2fb60000 - 512000 bytes - 560b849d - file date is 10/3/2015 09:27:42
    D:\Games\Aion\bin32\CryAnimation.dll, loaded at 0x2fbf0000 - 1499136 bytes - 560b853e - file date is 10/3/2015 09:27:40
    D:\Games\Aion\bin32\Cry3DEngine.dll, loaded at 0x30050000 - 1912832 bytes - 560b848d - file date is 10/3/2015 09:27:40
    D:\Games\Aion\bin32\Game.dll, loaded at 0x30bf0000 - 22211648 bytes - 560b8a6e - file date is 10/3/2015 09:27:50
    D:\Games\Aion\bin32\binkw32.dll, loaded at 0x32120000 - 171008 bytes - 4896a17b - file date is 10/2/2015 04:45:28
    D:\Games\Aion\bin32\LIBEAY32.dll, loaded at 0x32160000 - 1163264 bytes - 53fc5db8 - file date is 10/2/2015 04:45:52
    D:\Games\Aion\bin32\Awesomium.dll, loaded at 0x322e0000 - 21435904 bytes - 4ecdb6e9 - file date is 10/2/2015 04:45:28
    D:\Games\Aion\bin32\ScriptDLL.dll, loaded at 0x41f90000 - 11009088 bytes - 55d70744 - file date is 10/2/2015 04:46:04
    D:\Games\Aion\bin32\icudt42.dll, loaded at 0x4ad00000 - 10941440 bytes - 4b186276 - file date is 10/2/2015 04:45:50
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\nvd3dum.dll, loaded at 0x62540000 - 12525264 bytes - 55dc6c29 - file date is 9/18/2015 23:40:16

    User Name : QW1pa28=
    Version of Editor.exe(32Bit_Client) :
    Version of CrySystem.dll(32Bit_Client) : 4915.715.930.9621
    Engine : Cry_Client
    GameState : 14
    LoadSlot State:0, Num:50
    Entity Count(char/user) : 0/0
    NCode : -10800
    Crash Info :
    [(4896 :MultiThread) 2015/10/03 15:57:47]: =======================
    an Access Violation in module CrySystem.dll at 0023:07c86620.
    exception handler called in the AION Server.
    start at 2015/10/3 15:55:56
    Error occurred at 10/3/2015 15:57:48.
    2 processor(s), type 586.
    4096 MBytes physical memory.
    54 percent of memory is in use.
    memory history :
    virtual addr history :
    available mem to commit :
    Free Memory [PM: 1925288, VM: 2564456, AP: 1534744] KBytes
    ClientLaunchedCount : 1
    Write to location 00000000 caused an access violation.
    Total Allocated Memory: 213885 KB, (CRT+PAGES) 575800 KB
    CRT Allocated Memory: 65592 KB
    Cache Allocated Memory: 148293 KB
    Pages Allocated Memory: 510208 KB (Free:352000 KB / Wasted:9914 KB)
    Free mem dist: 0(1K) 20(10K) 399(100K) 37(1M) 14(10M) 6(100M) 0(200M) 0(300M) 1(500M) 0(1G) tick:125
    [OS] Windows 8.1 Ïðîôåññèîíàëüíàÿ 64-bit (6.2, Build 9200) (9600.winblue_r4.141028-1500)
    [DirectX] DirectX 11
    [Processor] AMD Athlon(tm) II X2 270 Processor (2 CPUs), ~3.4GHz
    [Display0Vender] NVIDIA GeForce GT 440
    [Display0Memory] 3021
    [Display0driver_info] nvd3dum.dll
    [Display0Shader] vs:(3.0) ps:(3.0)
    [Sound0Desc] Äèíàìèêè (Envy24 Family Audio Controller WDM)
    [Sound0HardwareID] PCI\VEN_1412&DEV_1724&SUBSYS_24031412&REV_01
    [Sound1Desc] Öèôðîâîå àóäèî (S/PDIF) (Envy24 Family Audio Controller WDM)
    [Sound1HardwareID] PCI\VEN_1412&DEV_1724&SUBSYS_24031412&REV_01
    [E1]<pak_cache> 6
    [E2]<brush> 25 <vege> 0 <stat> 51 <char> 2 <Anim> 7 / 7
    [E3]<entContext> 4 / 1597 <sound> 11 (4)
    [E4]<envColor> 0 <LM> 3
    [E5]<prtRes> 0 <prtEff> 0 <fxcEff> 0 <decal> 0 <etc> 0
    RL:0, [OF:70000000, OF2:0, PF:0, PF2:0], [RNV:83886080, RNI:0], [EV:0]
    P 0 0 0
    DynVB : 3824, 4096 - 0, 0
    D2DImage: textures/ui/v5_common
    : 4 574 15 15, 4434, 72 69 74 67, 0, 100
    Thread[0] akpj&aa$(a???? ???? ????
    1793 110010000 110010000 4294967295 4294967295 9 0 0 0
    EAX=0000000d CS=0023 EIP=07c86620 EFLGS=00010212
    EBX=69a0623b SS=002b ESP=2a82f640 EBP=2a82f640
    ECX=ffffffff DS=002b ESI=eed34460 FS=0053
    EDX=eb1dd000 ES=002b EDI=ee1d5684 GS=002b
    Bytes at CS:EIP:
    a3 00 00 00 00 5d c3 cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc
    Stack dump:
    2A82F640: 2A82F65C 07C8766B 0000000D 69A51BD8 EB3C7370 0002AB38 EED34460 2A82F674
    2A82F660: 07C87D2F 0000000D 00000004 00000005 26EDB73C 2A82F694 07C87F12 26EDB73C
    2A82F680: 00000001 0002AB38 00000005 00000005 0002AB38 2A82F6B8 2B01D7A0 26EDB73C
    2A82F6A0: 00000001 0002AB38 00000005 2A82FA57 2A82FA0C 00000005 2A82F7F0 2B01D8EB
    2A82F6C0: 00000005 2A82F6DC 00000001 2A82F6DC 2A82FA57 2B11DB31 2A82FA0C 6576656C
    2A82F6E0: 632F736C 6F6D6D6F 696C2F6E 2F746867 75727473 72757463 622F7365 646C6975
    2A82F700: 73676E69 7469632F 75622F79 735F6C5F 74636E61 61776D75 305F6C6C 305F6333
    2A82F720: 642E3330 2A007364 699C4C39 08370000 00000000 699C4C58 CA60A8D8 49283648
    2A82F740: F27C55D4 35344258 69A10475 35344258 49283648 00002A80 00000000 2A82F78C
    2A82F760: 699D7476 26FF8D90 27020D90 00002A80 699C4C58 00000038 27023810 26FFB810
    2A82F780: 00000080 EE30E280 00000080 2A82F7DC 2A82F7DC 2B014A29 00000080 00000080
    2A82F7A0: 00000000 EE30E280 F27C5540 00000000 00000008 00000040 00028000 00000002
    2A82F7C0: 00000080 00000008 2240E4A0 00000002 0000000A 00000200 00000200 2A82FEBC
    2A82F7E0: 4F3BD180 C2CA65C9 92A94815 3E547CE2 2A82FEBC 2B015E05 2A82FA0C 00000001
    2A82F800: 00000000 F27C2B44 2250C4A0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000028 00000000
    2A82F820: 00000000 00000000 BD97C702 00000000 00000000 00000000 403A37BA 00000000
    2A82F840: 00000000 00000000 0000006D 00000000 00000000 00000000 2A82FA2C 00000000
    2A82F860: 00000000 00000000 40B7099E 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000002 00000000
    2A82F880: 00000000 00000000 BFD301B5 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
    2A82F8A0: 00000000 00000000 58000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 FDEBB479 00000000
    2A82F8C0: 00000000 00000000 C3700730 00000000 00000000 00000000 66C316C1 00000000
    2A82F8E0: 00000000 00000000 07557EFF 00000000 00000000 00000000 E1E61069 00000000
    2A82F900: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 40109F76 00000000
    2A82F920: 00000000 00000000 00000000 3FF68B58 C0E8454A 40F7F308 40C9BBEC C275F4E9
    2A82F940: 0000000A F4A75B00 0000000C F51EEC04 2A82F97C 2AC2359C F4A75B00 F51EEC04
    2A82F960: 0000000C 0000000A 0000000A 00000075 F4A75B00 0000000C F51EEC04 2A82F9A8
    2A82F980: 2AC2359C F4A75B00 F51EEC04 0000000C 00000075 00000075 000000D5 F4A75B00
    2A82F9A0: 0000000C F51EEC04 2A82F9D4 2AC2359C F4A75B00 F51EEC04 0000000C 000000D5
    2A82F9C0: 000000D5 000000D4 F4A75B00 7D323B20 4025098E EDB5BEA7 C0410EAC 4496DAD8
    2A82F9E0: 40430CD5 C5D7E6D2 C066B7EB F0AEC4F4 40897718 35693D60 4043A363 907EE7D6
    2A82FA00: 4067B5AC 6FBCBD87 408ADAA8 6576656C 632F736C 6F6D6D6F 696C2F6E 2F746867
    2A82FA20: 75727473 72757463 622F7365 646C6975 73676E69 7469632F 75622F79 735F6C5F
    2A82FA40: 74636E61 61776D75 305F6C6C 305F6333 642E3330 76007364 40449C28 A0000000
    2A82FA60: C00EFFB2 16BB1720 402E076A 2A17B971 C04D16E6 A26873DE 406C2DE8 C0000000
    2A82FA80: 400E3D09 2A82FAB0 2AC2359C 0667B5B6 404B0039 1CC6D001 406983B6 00000000
    2A82FAA0: 0951ABF0 087CFDB0 2A82FAE8 2A82FAC0 07E6D1D8 000034CB 0951ABF0 087CFDB0
    2A82FAC0: 2A82FAE8 2A82FAD8 07E6D1D8 000034CB 07E6D288 4AE0E92D 000034CB 2A82FAE8
    2A82FAE0: 07E6D1D8 00010000 00000000 07CD6CB3 07E6D288 087CFDB0 F1E59300 00000000
    2A82FB00: F1E59300 F55AACC0 F1E59300 F55AAC00 00000000 2A82FB24 2B0659ED 2BA5A628
    2A82FB20: F55AACC0 2A82FB44 2B0664B5 2BA5A710 00000000 F1E59300 00000000 00000000
    2A82FB40: 00000000 2A82FC58 2AFEB3B7 2F886220 00000000 F1E59300 095149D0 087CF8F4
    2A82FB60: 2A82FBA0 2A82FB78 07E6D1D8 000034CB 095149D0 087CF8F4 2A82FBA0 2A82FB90
    2A82FB80: 07E6D1D8 000034CB 07E6D320 4AE10C61 000034CB 2A82FBA0 07E6D1D8 00010000
    2A82FBA0: 1ADFC008 1AE1F858 1AE1F858 F2E260B0 43A64020 43AE01E4 43BA3AF0 47C34F80
    2A82FBC0: 47C34F80 47C34F80 C7C34F80 C7C34F80 C7C34F80 0000000E 171F54A0 C21D1214
    2A82FBE0: 4245EDE7 415B1F70 47C34F80 47C34F80 47C34F80 401E2A88 4220A7FF 4181EA00
    2A82FC00: F2E260B0 00008E14 42326573 6576656C 632F736C 6F6D6D6F 696C2F6E 2F746867
    2A82FC20: 75727473 72757463 622F7365 646C6975 73676E69 7469632F 75622F79 735F6C5F
    2A82FC40: 74636E61 61776D75 305F6C6C 305F6333 2A003330 2F6FF84B EEAC44C0 2A82FED4
    2A82FC60: 2F6FF891 2F6FFA03 F1E59300 F1E59308 F1E59308 0000007F 2A82FD88 77873920
    2A82FC80: 0000470B 77872A76 C3C0E913 1974EC88 10550000 1974EC90 178CEAB0 177E9008
    2A82FCA0: 000001C6 00000000 E50118FC 1A1648A8 177E9008 00000000 00000000 06000006
    2A82FCC0: 0000007F 93000093 0000007F 10550260 00000000 00000000 2A82FE2C 778CD6A0
    2A82FCE0: 9EC503B3 FFFFFFFE 2A82FD78 77871634 10550000 0000BD78 00000000 2A82FD14
    2A82FD00: 07E6D1E0 1974EC88 0000BD70 00000001 178CEAB8 00000003 10550260 00000000
    2A82FD20: 1A1648B0 00000259 00000000 00000000 00000000 177E9008 00000000 10550490
    2A82FD40: 07E60000 00000080 2A82FD00 199A4D40 0000007F 0000470B 01270CD2 0000007F
    2A82FD60: 10550260 197724E0 0182FD80 00000002 07E6D1D8 07CD76F0 2A82FF58 778CD6A0
    2A82FD80: 9EC530B3 FFFFFFFE 2A82FDDC 778723AA 00000000 1974EC90 07E6D1D8 07E6D1D8
    2A82FDA0: 052D651A 00000000 07E6D1D8 07E6D1E0 2A82FDF4 07E6D1D8 00000212 0000028A
    2A82FDC0: 07E6D1D8 07E6D1E0 2A82FDF4 2A82FDE0 052D651A 00000002 07E6D1E0 0000028A
    2A82FDE0: 00000002 0000028A 07CD7773 07E6D1E0 090CF488 2A82FE0C 07CD6EDA 1974EC90
    2A82FE00: 00000000 1974EC90 00000203 07E6D1D8 094F9288 2A82FE4C 2A82FE2C 00000018
    2A82FE20: FFF0BDC0 00000018 FFF0BDC0 07E6D1D8 094F9288 2A82FE4C 2A82FE4C 00000018
    2A82FE40: FFF0BDC0 094F9288 FFF0BDC0 2A82FE6C 07CD6E42 094F9288 FFF0BDC0 00000000
    2A82FE60: 00000038 EEA1CB28 EEA1CB28 2A82FE98 07CD5FDC EEA10000 00003C55 00000246
    2A82FE80: 00000324 00000323 2A82FEC0 2B1AE9F8 FFFFFE00 2B1AE9F8 00000001 2240E4A0
    2A82FEA0: 00000000 2A82FEB0 00000001 2B1AE9F8 00000000 00000000 00000000 2A82FEF4
    2A82FEC0: 2B0184B6 00000001 00000000 00000000 20008008 00000000 00000000 000012E3
    2A82FEE0: F27C2B40 00000000 00000000 F27C2B44 00000000 2A82FF28 07D392F8 00000000
    2A82FF00: 699C29E1 699C29E1 083782C0 F27C2B44 00000000 00000001 00000000 00000000
    2A82FF20: 00000002 00000005 2A82FF30 07D3A55B 2A82FF68 699C29BB 2250C4A0 CA60A0C0
    2A82FF40: 699C29E1 699C29E1 083782C0 C0000005 2A82FF3C 2A82F1E4 2A82FFBC 699C8CED
    2A82FF60: 89461410 00000000 2A82FF84 699C2A47 699C29E1 771F7C04 083782C0 771F7BE0
    2A82FF80: C37DD647 2A82FFCC 7788B90F 083782C0 C3C0EB57 00000000 00000000 083782C0
    2A82FFA0: C0000005 75BBF510 6E7A9FF8 2A82F1CC C3C0EB57 2A82FF90 2A82F1CC 2A82FFD4
    2A82FFC0: 778CD6A0 9ECAADBB 00000000 2A82FFDC 7788B8DA FFFFFFFF 778706F2 2A82FFEC
    2A82FFE0: 6E7539C7 699C29E1 083782C0 00000000 00000000 699C29E1 083782C0 00000000
    Call Stack Information
    07C86620 2A82F640 0001:00005620 D:\Games\Aion\bin32\CrySystem.dll
    Params: 0000000D 69A51BD8 EB3C7370 0002AB38
    [CrySystem.dll] Bytes at CS:EIP: a3 00 00 00 00 5d c3 cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc
    07C8766B 2A82F65C 0001:0000666B D:\Games\Aion\bin32\CrySystem.dll
    Params: 0000000D 00000004 00000005 26EDB73C
    [CrySystem.dll] Bytes at CS:EIP: 83 c4 08 8b cf e8 7b c8 ff ff 8b 46 08 5f 5e 5b
    07C87D2F 2A82F674 0001:00006D2F D:\Games\Aion\bin32\CrySystem.dll
    Params: 26EDB73C 00000001 0002AB38 00000005
    [CrySystem.dll] Bytes at CS:EIP: 85 c0 74 1f 8b 55 08 8b 0f 56 52 51 8b c8 e8 ae
    07C87F12 2A82F694 0001:00006F12 D:\Games\Aion\bin32\CrySystem.dll
    Params: 26EDB73C 00000001 0002AB38 00000005
    [CrySystem.dll] Bytes at CS:EIP: 5e 5f 5d c2 10 00 8b 55 10 8b 45 0c 8b 4d 08 57
    2B01D7A0 2A82F6B8 PackageRenderConstructor+56ef0 0001:0014C7A0 D:\Games\Aion\bin32\XRenderD3D9.dll
    Params: 00000005 2A82F6DC 00000001 2A82F6DC
    [XRenderD3D9.dll] Bytes at CS:EIP: 8b 4d 10 8b 55 0c 51 52 57 53 e8 11 fc ff ff 8b
    2B01D8EB 2A82F7F0 PackageRenderConstructor+5703b 0001:0014C8EB D:\Games\Aion\bin32\XRenderD3D9.dll
    Params: 2A82FA0C 00000001 00000000 F27C2B44
    [XRenderD3D9.dll] Bytes at CS:EIP: 8b f8 83 c4 10 85 ff 74 1b 8d 85 ec fe ff ff 8d
    2B015E05 2A82FEBC PackageRenderConstructor+4f555 0001:00144E05 D:\Games\Aion\bin32\XRenderD3D9.dll
    Params: 00000001 00000000 00000000 20008008
    [XRenderD3D9.dll] Bytes at CS:EIP: 8b 7d e8 8b f0 83 c4 08 85 f6 89 37 74 53 83 7d
    2B0184B6 2A82FEF4 PackageRenderConstructor+51c06 0001:001474B6 D:\Games\Aion\bin32\XRenderD3D9.dll
    Params: 00000000 699C29E1 699C29E1 083782C0
    [XRenderD3D9.dll] Bytes at CS:EIP: 5e 8b e5 5d c2 04 00 cc cc cc 55 8b ec 81 ec 1c
    07D392F8 2A82FF28 CryCalloc+62f18 0001:000B82F8 D:\Games\Aion\bin32\CrySystem.dll
    Params: 2A82FF68 699C29BB 2250C4A0 CA60A0C0
    [CrySystem.dll] Bytes at CS:EIP: 8b 16 8b 42 04 6a 00 8b ce ff d0 84 c0 75 6b 8b
    07D3A55B 2A82FF30 CryCalloc+6417b 0001:000B955B D:\Games\Aion\bin32\CrySystem.dll
    Params: 2250C4A0 CA60A0C0 699C29E1 699C29E1
    [CrySystem.dll] Bytes at CS:EIP: 33 c0 5d c2 04 00 cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc
    699C29BB 2A82FF68 endthreadex+3b 0001:000019BB C:\Windows\WinSxS\x86_microsoft.vc80.crt_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.8428_none_d08a11e2442dc25d\MSVCR80.dll
    Params: 699C29E1 771F7C04 083782C0 771F7BE0
    [MSVCR80.dll] Bytes at CS:EIP: 50 e8 bf ff ff ff 8b 45 ec 8b 08 8b 09 89 4d e4
    699C2A47 2A82FF84 endthreadex+c7 0001:00001A47 C:\Windows\WinSxS\x86_microsoft.vc80.crt_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.8428_none_d08a11e2442dc25d\MSVCR80.dll
    Params: 083782C0 C3C0EB57 00000000 00000000
    [MSVCR80.dll] Bytes at CS:EIP: cc 55 8b ec 51 53 57 8b 7d 10 33 db 3b fb 89 5d
    7788B90F 2A82FFCC RtlInitializeExceptionChain+8f 0001:0005A90F C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
    Params: FFFFFFFF 778706F2 2A82FFEC 6E7539C7
    [ntdll.dll] Bytes at CS:EIP: c7 45 fc fe ff ff ff e8 5d cc fe ff c3 90 90 90
    7788B8DA 2A82FFDC RtlInitializeExceptionChain+5a 0001:0005A8DA C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
    Params: 699C29E1 083782C0 00000000 00000000
    [ntdll.dll] Bytes at CS:EIP: cc 90 90 90 90 90 6a 1c 68 20 b9 88 77 e8 44 cc
    6E7539C7 2A82FFEC 0001:000029C7 D:\Games\Aion\Frost\frostCollector.dll
    Params: 699C29E1 083782C0 00000000 00000000
    [frostCollector.dll] Bytes at CS:EIP: 83 c4 08 5d c3 cc cc cc cc 55 8b ec 6a fe 68 d0

    Module list: names, addresses, sizes, time stamps and file times:
    D:\Games\Aion\bin32\aion.bin, loaded at 0x00400000 - 3046464 bytes - 560b8790 - file date is 10/3/2015 09:27:36
    D:\Games\Aion\bin32\dbghelp.dll, loaded at 0x038d0000 - 986112 bytes - 41e5794f - file date is 10/2/2015 04:45:34
    D:\Games\Aion\bin32\beecrypt.dll, loaded at 0x03f30000 - 188416 bytes - 414fb876 - file date is 10/2/2015 04:45:28
    D:\Games\Aion\bin32\CrySystem.dll, loaded at 0x07c80000 - 5213248 bytes - 560b85f5 - file date is 10/3/2015 09:27:46
    D:\Games\Aion\bin32\aegisty.bin, loaded at 0x10000000 - 2025344 bytes - 54c5b0d9 - file date is 10/2/2015 04:45:16
    D:\Games\Aion\bin32\CryPhysics.dll, loaded at 0x2aab0000 - 1581056 bytes - 560b84f7 - file date is 10/3/2015 09:27:42
    D:\Games\Aion\bin32\CryMovie.dll, loaded at 0x2ae10000 - 729088 bytes - 560b84c1 - file date is 10/3/2015 09:27:42
    D:\Games\Aion\bin32\XRenderD3D9.dll, loaded at 0x2aed0000 - 3198976 bytes - 560b860f - file date is 10/3/2015 09:27:52
    D:\Games\Aion\bin32\CompressATI.dll, loaded at 0x2baa0000 - 61440 bytes - 4124d1fb - file date is 10/2/2015 04:45:28
    D:\Games\Aion\bin32\CryInput.dll, loaded at 0x2bb50000 - 22528 bytes - 560b84ad - file date is 10/3/2015 09:27:42
    D:\Games\Aion\bin32\CrySoundSystem.dll, loaded at 0x2eb60000 - 282624 bytes - 560b8507 - file date is 10/3/2015 09:27:42
    D:\Games\Aion\bin32\fmodex.dll, loaded at 0x2ebc0000 - 1101824 bytes - 4f5d9f02 - file date is 10/2/2015 04:45:36
    D:\Games\Aion\bin32\CryFont.dll, loaded at 0x2f180000 - 487424 bytes - 560b84ab - file date is 10/3/2015 09:27:42
    D:\Games\Aion\bin32\CryEntitySystem.dll, loaded at 0x2f200000 - 512000 bytes - 560b849d - file date is 10/3/2015 09:27:42
    D:\Games\Aion\bin32\CryAnimation.dll, loaded at 0x2f290000 - 1499136 bytes - 560b853e - file date is 10/3/2015 09:27:40
    D:\Games\Aion\bin32\Cry3DEngine.dll, loaded at 0x2f6f0000 - 1912832 bytes - 560b848d - file date is 10/3/2015 09:27:40
    D:\Games\Aion\bin32\Game.dll, loaded at 0x30290000 - 22211648 bytes - 560b8a6e - file date is 10/3/2015 09:27:50
    D:\Games\Aion\bin32\binkw32.dll, loaded at 0x317c0000 - 171008 bytes - 4896a17b - file date is 10/2/2015 04:45:28
    D:\Games\Aion\bin32\LIBEAY32.dll, loaded at 0x31890000 - 1163264 bytes - 53fc5db8 - file date is 10/2/2015 04:45:52
    D:\Games\Aion\bin32\Awesomium.dll, loaded at 0x319b0000 - 21435904 bytes - 4ecdb6e9 - file date is 10/2/2015 04:45:28
    D:\Games\Aion\bin32\icudt42.dll, loaded at 0x3fee0000 - 10941440 bytes - 4b186276 - file date is 10/2/2015 04:45:50
    D:\Games\Aion\bin32\ScriptDLL.dll, loaded at 0x40e00000 - 11009088 bytes - 55d70744 - file date is 10/2/2015 04:46:04
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\nvd3dum.dll, loaded at 0x67d90000 - 12525264 bytes - 55dc6c29 - file date is 9/18/2015 23:40:16
    C:\Windows\system32\nvapi.dll, loaded at 0x68980000 - 3123152 bytes - 55dc6be6 - file date is 9/18/2015 23:36:00
    C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\3D Vision\nvSCPAPI.dll, loaded at 0x68ca0000 - 1175152 bytes - 55dc7625 - file date is 8/25/2015 17:08:30
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\dsound.dll, loaded at 0x68e70000 - 517120 bytes - 54504746 - file date is 11/21/2014 05:50:34
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\msls31.dll, loaded at 0x69270000 - 193536 bytes - 54504a41 - file date is 11/21/2014 05:50:30
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\DDRAW.dll, loaded at 0x692b0000 - 544256 bytes - 54503a5b - file date is 11/21/2014 05:50:26
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\GLU32.dll, loaded at 0x693a0000 - 140288 bytes - 54504a17 - file date is 11/21/2014 05:50:26
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\RICHED20.dll, loaded at 0x693d0000 - 564224 bytes - 545049ea - file date is 11/21/2014 05:50:30
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\OPENGL32.dll, loaded at 0x69460000 - 777728 bytes - 5450499e - file date is 11/21/2014 05:50:26
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\DINPUT8.dll, loaded at 0x69540000 - 171520 bytes - 54504929 - file date is 11/21/2014 05:51:42
    C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\3D Vision\nvStereoApiI.dll, loaded at 0x69580000 - 379808 bytes - 55dc762d - file date is 8/25/2015 17:09:18
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\d3dx9_38.dll, loaded at 0x695f0000 - 3850760 bytes - 4833557d - file date is 5/30/2008 14:11:46
    C:\Windows\WinSxS\x86_microsoft.vc80.crt_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.8428_none_d08a11e2442dc25d\MSVCR80.dll, loaded at 0x699c0000 - 626688 bytes - 520b1060 - file date is 8/17/2013 03:06:30
    C:\Windows\WinSxS\x86_microsoft.vc80.crt_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.8428_none_d08a11e2442dc25d\MSVCP80.dll, loaded at 0x69a60000 - 548864 bytes - 520b10be - file date is 8/17/2013 03:06:30
    D:\Games\Aion\frost\gameShieldDll.dll, loaded at 0x69af0000 - 2104904 bytes - 559d28a4 - file date is 10/3/2015 15:43:44
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ICMP.DLL, loaded at 0x6e640000 - 3072 bytes - 52159033 - file date is 8/22/2013 07:14:44
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\DCIMAN32.dll, loaded at 0x6e650000 - 11776 bytes - 54504a1f - file date is 11/21/2014 05:50:30
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\MSACM32.dll, loaded at 0x6e660000 - 89816 bytes - 54503d51 - file date is 11/21/2014 05:50:34
    C:\Windows\system32\wbem\fastprox.dll, loaded at 0x6e680000 - 786944 bytes - 54503be7 - file date is 11/21/2014 05:51:12
    D:\Games\Aion\Frost\frostCollector.dll, loaded at 0x6e750000 - 1261640 bytes - 55c1d7bf - file date is 10/3/2015 15:43:52
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WSOCK32.dll, loaded at 0x6ea10000 - 16384 bytes - 54504a16 - file date is 11/21/2014 05:51:20
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\wbemcomn.dll, loaded at 0x6ea20000 - 401408 bytes - 54503c25 - file date is 11/21/2014 05:51:12
    C:\Windows\AppPatch\AcLayers.DLL, loaded at 0x6ea90000 - 332800 bytes - 545041a0 - file date is 11/21/2014 05:50:28
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\midimap.dll, loaded at 0x6ed50000 - 18944 bytes - 545049be - file date is 11/21/2014 05:50:34
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\wdmaud.drv, loaded at 0x6ed60000 - 197120 bytes - 54503a7d - file date is 11/21/2014 05:50:34
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\msacm32.drv, loaded at 0x6edc0000 - 23040 bytes - 545048d7 - file date is 11/21/2014 05:50:34
    D:\Games\Aion\frost\frostUpdater.dll, loaded at 0x6edd0000 - 1082048 bytes - 53a05139 - file date is 10/3/2015 15:43:54
    C:\Windows\WinSxS\x86_microsoft.windows.common-controls_6595b64144ccf1df_5.82.9600.17415_none_7c5769eaaa0aa358\comctl32.dll, loaded at 0x6eee0000 - 549888 bytes - 54504a5c - file date is 11/21/2014 05:51:22
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\profapi.dll, loaded at 0x6fe80000 - 52152 bytes - 54503d83 - file date is 11/21/2014 05:51:18
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ksuser.dll, loaded at 0x6fe90000 - 19096 bytes - 54503c49 - file date is 11/21/2014 05:50:34
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\dxdiagn.dll, loaded at 0x6fea0000 - 264192 bytes - 545040e6 - file date is 11/21/2014 05:50:26
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\USERENV.dll, loaded at 0x6fef0000 - 98152 bytes - 54503c49 - file date is 11/21/2014 05:51:24
    C:\Windows\system32\wbem\wbemsvc.dll, loaded at 0x6ff10000 - 49664 bytes - 54503d49 - file date is 11/21/2014 05:51:10
    C:\Windows\system32\winbrand.dll, loaded at 0x6ff40000 - 29184 bytes - 54503cc9 - file date is 11/21/2014 05:51:14
    C:\Windows\system32\wbem\wbemprox.dll, loaded at 0x6ff50000 - 36864 bytes - 54503bfa - file date is 11/21/2014 05:51:10
    D:\Games\Aion\bin32\steam_api.dll, loaded at 0x6ff60000 - 145600 bytes - 53ff983d - file date is 10/3/2015 09:27:52
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\sfc.dll, loaded at 0x6fff0000 - 3072 bytes - 52158fe8 - file date is 8/22/2013 07:13:30
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\sfc_os.DLL, loaded at 0x70010000 - 42496 bytes - 54504a3b - file date is 11/21/2014 05:51:14
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\MPR.dll, loaded at 0x70030000 - 87224 bytes - 54503d98 - file date is 11/21/2014 05:51:26
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WININET.dll, loaded at 0x70130000 - 1892864 bytes - 5452f121 - file date is 11/21/2014 08:20:06
    C:\Windows\WinSxS\x86_microsoft.windows.gdiplus_6595b64144ccf1df_1.1.9600.17415_none_dad8722c5bcc2d8f\gdiplus.dll, loaded at 0x70610000 - 1490944 bytes - 54503bef - file date is 11/21/2014 05:50:30
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\iertutil.dll, loaded at 0x70e60000 - 2277376 bytes - 5452ff76 - file date is 11/21/2014 08:20:06
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\d3d11.dll, loaded at 0x71170000 - 1946144 bytes - 54503b6b - file date is 11/21/2014 05:50:26
    C:\Windows\system32\d3d9.dll, loaded at 0x732c0000 - 1907384 bytes - 545049c1 - file date is 11/21/2014 05:50:30
    C:\Windows\system32\uxtheme.dll, loaded at 0x734a0000 - 949760 bytes - 54503957 - file date is 11/21/2014 05:51:22
    C:\Windows\System32\MMDevApi.dll, loaded at 0x73ea0000 - 331048 bytes - 54503afb - file date is 11/21/2014 05:50:34
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\POWRPROF.dll, loaded at 0x73f00000 - 255136 bytes - 54503d36 - file date is 11/21/2014 05:51:14
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\AUDIOSES.DLL, loaded at 0x73f40000 - 370424 bytes - 54503a96 - file date is 11/21/2014 05:50:36
    C:\Windows\system32\dwmapi.dll, loaded at 0x74130000 - 102728 bytes - 54503bae - file date is 11/21/2014 05:50:30
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WINMMBASE.dll, loaded at 0x741e0000 - 134280 bytes - 54503b8a - file date is 11/21/2014 05:50:34
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\winmm.dll, loaded at 0x74210000 - 136840 bytes - 54503b0a - file date is 11/21/2014 05:50:34
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\dxgi.dll, loaded at 0x74240000 - 430176 bytes - 54503ca0 - file date is 11/21/2014 05:50:26
    C:\Windows\System32\rasadhlp.dll, loaded at 0x74620000 - 12288 bytes - 54503d5c - file date is 11/21/2014 05:51:20
    C:\Windows\System32\fwpuclnt.dll, loaded at 0x74630000 - 272384 bytes - 54503b3d - file date is 11/21/2014 05:51:20
    C:\Windows\System32\winrnr.dll, loaded at 0x74680000 - 23040 bytes - 54504a15 - file date is 11/21/2014 05:51:18
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\DNSAPI.dll, loaded at 0x74690000 - 498688 bytes - 54503d8f - file date is 11/21/2014 05:51:26
    C:\Windows\system32\NLAapi.dll, loaded at 0x74710000 - 65536 bytes - 54503c84 - file date is 11/21/2014 05:51:20
    C:\Windows\system32\pnrpnsp.dll, loaded at 0x74730000 - 70144 bytes - 54503d16 - file date is 11/21/2014 05:51:34
    C:\Windows\system32\napinsp.dll, loaded at 0x74750000 - 55296 bytes - 545049b2 - file date is 11/21/2014 05:51:20
    C:\Windows\System32\mswsock.dll, loaded at 0x74770000 - 286208 bytes - 54503d87 - file date is 11/21/2014 05:51:26
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\SHCORE.dll, loaded at 0x747c0000 - 560392 bytes - 54503af1 - file date is 11/21/2014 05:51:22
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\AVRT.dll, loaded at 0x74930000 - 31496 bytes - 54503d85 - file date is 11/21/2014 05:51:40
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\OLEACC.dll, loaded at 0x749d0000 - 306688 bytes - 54503b9b - file date is 11/21/2014 05:50:30
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\NTASN1.dll, loaded at 0x74a20000 - 165728 bytes - 54503d6a - file date is 11/21/2014 05:51:24
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ncrypt.dll, loaded at 0x74a50000 - 119800 bytes - 54503d71 - file date is 11/21/2014 05:51:24
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\gpapi.dll, loaded at 0x74a70000 - 115672 bytes - 54503d08 - file date is 11/21/2014 05:51:18
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\bcrypt.dll, loaded at 0x74a90000 - 111104 bytes - 54503d6a - file date is 11/21/2014 05:51:24
    C:\Windows\system32\rsaenh.dll, loaded at 0x74ab0000 - 192096 bytes - 54503d84 - file date is 11/21/2014 05:51:24
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\CRYPTSP.dll, loaded at 0x74ae0000 - 96032 bytes - 54503d8e - file date is 11/21/2014 05:51:24
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\cryptnet.dll, loaded at 0x74b00000 - 137728 bytes - 54503d64 - file date is 11/21/2014 05:51:24
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\kernel.appcore.dll, loaded at 0x74b50000 - 29920 bytes - 54503d1a - file date is 11/21/2014 05:51:14
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\dhcpcsvc.DLL, loaded at 0x74bc0000 - 64512 bytes - 54503d6f - file date is 11/21/2014 05:51:26
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\dhcpcsvc6.DLL, loaded at 0x74be0000 - 57344 bytes - 54503d7b - file date is 11/21/2014 05:51:26
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\Secur32.dll, loaded at 0x74c00000 - 24064 bytes - 54503d8b - file date is 11/21/2014 05:51:18
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\HID.DLL, loaded at 0x74c10000 - 26624 bytes - 54503d63 - file date is 11/21/2014 05:50:20
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\USP10.dll, loaded at 0x74c20000 - 77312 bytes - 54504ae5 - file date is 11/21/2014 05:50:28
    C:\Windows\system32\ncryptsslp.dll, loaded at 0x74c50000 - 89856 bytes - 54503d84 - file date is 11/21/2014 05:51:24
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\schannel.dll, loaded at 0x74c70000 - 359936 bytes - 54503ca4 - file date is 11/21/2014 05:51:18
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WINNSI.DLL, loaded at 0x74cd0000 - 26304 bytes - 54503d89 - file date is 11/21/2014 05:50:20
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\IPHLPAPI.DLL, loaded at 0x74ce0000 - 120864 bytes - 54503d81 - file date is 11/21/2014 05:51:26
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\DEVRTL.dll, loaded at 0x74e30000 - 50176 bytes - 54503d47 - file date is 11/21/2014 05:51:24
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\DEVOBJ.dll, loaded at 0x74e70000 - 127552 bytes - 54503cd9 - file date is 11/21/2014 05:51:24
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WINSPOOL.DRV, loaded at 0x74ea0000 - 397824 bytes - 5450389a - file date is 11/21/2014 05:51:38
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\version.dll, loaded at 0x74f10000 - 26304 bytes - 54504a11 - file date is 11/21/2014 05:51:22
    C:\Windows\system32\apphelp.dll, loaded at 0x74f20000 - 642560 bytes - 54504a2b - file date is 11/21/2014 05:51:14
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\bcryptPrimitives.dll, loaded at 0x74fc0000 - 340848 bytes - 54503d75 - file date is 11/21/2014 05:50:20
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\CRYPTBASE.dll, loaded at 0x75020000 - 30984 bytes - 54504a6b - file date is 11/21/2014 05:51:18
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\SspiCli.dll, loaded at 0x75030000 - 104960 bytes - 54503d7c - file date is 11/21/2014 05:51:18
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\advapi32.dll, loaded at 0x751c0000 - 507152 bytes - 5450499c - file date is 11/21/2014 05:50:30
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ole32.dll, loaded at 0x752d0000 - 1209624 bytes - 54503914 - file date is 11/21/2014 05:51:16
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\msvcrt.dll, loaded at 0x75400000 - 800008 bytes - 54504b2e - file date is 11/21/2014 05:51:38
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\PSAPI.DLL, loaded at 0x754d0000 - 16504 bytes - 54503d92 - file date is 11/21/2014 05:51:14
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WLDAP32.dll, loaded at 0x754e0000 - 325632 bytes - 54503d90 - file date is 11/21/2014 05:51:24
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\CRYPT32.dll, loaded at 0x75540000 - 1612480 bytes - 54503d86 - file date is 11/21/2014 05:51:24
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WS2_32.dll, loaded at 0x756d0000 - 321248 bytes - 54503d81 - file date is 11/21/2014 05:51:18
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\sechost.dll, loaded at 0x75720000 - 257216 bytes - 54504a69 - file date is 11/21/2014 05:51:18
    C:\Windows\system32\IMM32.DLL, loaded at 0x75770000 - 141312 bytes - 54504a14 - file date is 11/21/2014 05:50:30
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\SETUPAPI.dll, loaded at 0x757a0000 - 1782912 bytes - 5450383a - file date is 11/21/2014 05:51:14
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\MSASN1.dll, loaded at 0x75960000 - 51608 bytes - 54503d97 - file date is 11/21/2014 05:51:24
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\combase.dll, loaded at 0x75980000 - 1564464 bytes - 54503d84 - file date is 11/21/2014 05:51:24
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\KERNELBASE.dll, loaded at 0x75b00000 - 862720 bytes - 54504ade - file date is 11/21/2014 05:50:20
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\SHELL32.dll, loaded at 0x75bf0000 - 19734424 bytes - 54503a17 - file date is 11/21/2014 05:51:22
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\NSI.dll, loaded at 0x76ea0000 - 20120 bytes - 54504af3 - file date is 11/21/2014 05:50:20
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\CFGMGR32.dll, loaded at 0x76f50000 - 241168 bytes - 54503d7a - file date is 11/21/2014 05:51:24
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\imagehlp.dll, loaded at 0x76f90000 - 74824 bytes - 54503c38 - file date is 11/21/2014 05:50:20
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\SHLWAPI.dll, loaded at 0x76fb0000 - 278352 bytes - 5450381c - file date is 11/21/2014 05:51:22
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\GDI32.dll, loaded at 0x77000000 - 1096704 bytes - 54503e75 - file date is 11/21/2014 05:50:30
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WINTRUST.dll, loaded at 0x77110000 - 245296 bytes - 54503c1d - file date is 11/21/2014 05:51:16
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\clbcatq.dll, loaded at 0x77150000 - 569128 bytes - 54503883 - file date is 11/21/2014 05:51:16
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\KERNEL32.DLL, loaded at 0x771e0000 - 1040384 bytes - 545049be - file date is 11/21/2014 05:51:14
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\RPCRT4.dll, loaded at 0x77320000 - 747008 bytes - 54503de4 - file date is 11/21/2014 05:51:18
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\OLEAUT32.dll, loaded at 0x77440000 - 602768 bytes - 54503d59 - file date is 11/21/2014 05:50:26
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\MSCTF.dll, loaded at 0x774e0000 - 1127976 bytes - 54503bfa - file date is 11/21/2014 05:50:28
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\USER32.dll, loaded at 0x77600000 - 1376256 bytes - 54503d20 - file date is 11/21/2014 05:50:30
    C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll, loaded at 0x77830000 - 1499376 bytes - 54504b0d - file date is 11/21/2014 05:51:38
    D:\Games\Aion\bin32\MSVCR71.dll, loaded at 0x7c340000 - 348160 bytes - 3e561eac - file date is 10/2/2015 04:45:56
  2. Ulthar

    Ulthar User

    3DVision NV-шный уберите через переустановку драйверов с вариантом выборочной настройки как самый первый вариант.
  3. krege

    krege Куратор тех. модераторов Global moderator

    Обычно хватает просто выключить 3D в "Панели управления NVIDIA".
  4. Armirana

    Armirana User

    переустановил,до этого было выключено...
  5. Gatses

    Gatses Почетный пользователь

    Закрыто в связи с утерей актуальности.
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